Chapter 12: Olympus Finds Out

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Chapter 12: Olympus Finds Out

"I'll read," Hera said. "Chapter 12: Olympus Finds Out"

"I don't like going to war," Leo said.

"Suck it up," Percy said.

3rd person P.O.V.

Six people were walking down the roads of Olympus, trying to get to the throne room. No one dared cross their paths, for when they looked the faces of the people they knew that if they did something bad would happen to them. Lord Poseidon was leading the group seeing as that he was stronger than even the king of the gods, and no being would ever wish to cross him. They bowed to the three Olympians who were in the group. All of the minor deities seemed to have noticed that Percy was one of the people rushing to the throne room, and that is when they knew something bad was going to happen and they might have to prepare for war after two and a half years of peace.

"Even the minor deities know not to cross Percy and Poseidon," Jason said.

Once the group of six made it to the throne room the three gods grew to their godly height. Poseidon called a meeting and sat on his throne. Soon there were eleven flashes indicating the other gods were coming. They all sat on their thrones wondering why they were called.

"Brother dearest why did you call this meeting?" Zeus asked. All Poseidon did was point over to where Percy, Maria, and Michel were standing. The king of the gods and the Lord of the Underworld both stood up when they saw their son standing in the center of the room, looking into the hearth.

"My son," Hades whispered as tears began to pool up in his eyes. Percy nodded to Hades and Zeus then continued to look into the fire with great interest.

"What is wrong Percy?" Hestia asked.

"Hestia always knows when something is wrong," Hazel said.

"I have spoked to Lord End and received some news that might be of interest to you all," Percy said.

A bright light then engulfed the room make everyone cover their eyes. Once it disappeared everyone looked to dee Lord Chaos standing near the hearth and across form Percy. Chaos then asked, "Is this true? Have you truly seen my father?"

"Yes Lord Chaos."

"What did he tell you child?"

"He said that Order was trying to reawaken."

There was dead silence in the room until Chaos growled out, "She should stay asleep for the rest eternity."

"I would have thought he would have a bond with Order," Jason said.

"Nope," Percy told him.

"Perseus do you know why she want to reawaken?" Athena asked with fear laced in her voice.

"To destroy the Universe and I know of someone who id working for her." Percy told the wisdom goddess. Everyone quieted down when they heard the last part.

"Who is working for Order?" Zeus asked.

"Annabeth Chase." Soon all of the gods were yelling out curses. The big three gods were letting storms and earthquakes loose across the world as their anger got the best of them. Athena looked like she wanted to punch the girl in the face with so much force that she doesn't remember who she is.

Everyone who did not see that coming looked shocked.

After everyone calmed down Hera asked, "Do you know of a way that can keep Order from destroying the universe?"

"First we need to get allies on our side, as I am sure that Anna-bitch is doing right now," Percy replied.

"As far as I know," Chaos started. "That girl was thrown into Tartarus along side the son of Nemesis, Mike."

Percy looked at his father, Zeus with a raised eyebrow. Zeus just smiled and shook his head saying that he didn't do it. So Percy looked at Athena who nodded her head.

"Why would you do that mother?" Anna-bitch screamed out.

"Because I can," Athena growled out.

"Well then she is most likely to be getting monsters on her side. That is normally what Kronos and Gaia did when they were trying to destroy the gods. And I know that if I were to be evil I would the same, but knowing my flaw I would never betray Olympus like others have." Zeus smiled knowing that his son would never dare hurt his mother, Poseidon, by betraying the gods.

"Never in my wildest dreams," Percy said as he curled closer to Poseidon.

"So where do we start?" Athena asked.

"First we need to get Nyx." Percy said.

"My daughter is willing to help where ever she needed." Chaos told everyone.

"Plus she hates Anna-bitch, so we don't have to worry about her joining that side. And I think we should bring both camps together so it will be easier for is to have more hands on board."

"That will still be very little assistance," Zeus said with a frown.

"I may know some people who might help," Percy told him with a smirk.

"Who would willingly help us?" Hera asked.

"Yeah who would willingly help you guys," Anna-bitch asked. Percy just smirked.

"I know for one Magnus Chase and his Norse friends. Then there is Sadie and Carter Kane from the Egyptian pantheon."

"You are suggesting a very dangerous game here," Ares told the son of the sea, sky, and underworld.

"War is always dangerous Ares. You should know this from being the god of war and all. Also I am willing to take the risk if it means that I will still have my family to come home to." Poseidon just smiled at his son knowing that this will most likely be the last time he sees his son standing in the throne room.

"I do know this, but we have never even tried getting help from other pantheons before."

"Well," Percy began.

"That is different," Ares told the demigod.

Percy just smirked and said, "Well both pantheons I mentioned owe me a favor for helping them out. Also many other deities such as the goddess' of the rivers Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Phlegethon, Cocytus." This made all of the gods eyes widen in surprise and fear, for this boy has been able to get not only two other pantheons on his side but the goddesses of the rivers of the Underworld as well.

"Well I, for one, am willing to get as much help as we can for this war," Hades said while smiling at his son.

"I am willing to see how well these two pantheons do with our children," Athena decided. "And in front of the council I say, I Athena goddess of war, handicraft, battle strategy, and practical reason hereby disown Annabeth Chase as my daughter." Percy gave her a thankful look.

"Mother why?" Anna-bitch asked.

"If no one has anything more to add this meeting is adjourned," Zeus said as he shrunk down to human size and went over to his son. Percy smiled at him and gave the king of the gods a hug that would have crushed a mortals spine. Zeus let out a laugh at his child's antics and hugged him back with less strength that the boy was using on him. Hades and Poseidon joined shortly after.

"That is the end of the chapter," Hera said.

"I'll read," Demeter said.

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