Chapter 15: Nyx

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Chapter 15: Nyx

"I'll read," Travis said. "Chapter 15: Nyx"

Percy's P.O.V.

After a few hours of walking, which included taking breaks to drink from the Phlegethon, we finally mad it to the Palace of Nyx. When we got to the edge the Primordial of Night herself came out in her black-robes, her black eyes shining like Onyx stones, her hair darker than the night itself, skin as white as snow, and lips as red as rubies.

"I know that you wish for my help, young hero and goddess of the moon," Nyx said with a silk like voice. "I shall help you. As will my children."

"Thank you, lady Nyx," I said as I bowed to her. 

"I still don't want you down there," Poseidon said.

"I know mama," Percy told the sea god.

"You are welcome, dear child. I hope you know the day that you were brought to the primordial of misery I was having a terrible day after a fight with one of my children, and that daughter of Athena had been silently saying bad things about me."

"Well, she is the one who is currently aiding Order in rising," Artemis said. I flinched in fear that Nyx would somehow strike us.

"And that is why I will help you," Nyx told us, "for I truly hate that arrogant brat. And I am sure that my brother over here will help us as well."

"I have already told them I would," the lord of the pit said. Nyx nodded in pride. Out of nowhere I began to smell a sea breeze and I saw that Artemis did too. I began to fear that my mom somehow got sent down here as well.

"My mama," Percy said as he wrapped his arms around the sea gods who just held the boy

"Hello sister, brother," A man said to Nyx and Tartarus. "And hello, young demigod and goddess of the moon."

I then realized that the man was Pontus, the primordial of the sea. Artemis and I bowed to show our respect.

"Please rise, the both of you," He said. "I wish to offer my help in defeating order."

"We would like all the help that we can get," I told him. He smiled and nodded.

"Shall we go to Olympus?" Nyx asked, obviously wanting to scare Zeus.

I smiled and said, "As long as we scare a few gods in the process."

"What did you have in mind, dear child?" Tartarus asked.

"What are you thinking child?" Poseidon asked.

"I want to make it look like we had met with foul play and that I am on the verge of death." I told him. Artemis was intrigued by the idea but frowned. I knew she was thinking of my mom and how he would react. Luckily Mom will be the only one, besides her and the primordials, to see through the mist.

Poseidon smiles in thanks for that.

"So how do we proceed with this?" Pontus asked.

"Well, for one we use the mist to make most of the Olympian council believe that I was dying. The only condition is that Poseidon has to be able to see that I am okay and not actually injured or dying," I told them. "Reason why I say this is because he was the one who brought me into this world and I would rather not make him upset."

Everyone nodded in understanding as to why I wanted him to be able to see that I was still moving around, ready to kick someone's ass.

Soon the mist was in place where Nyx would carry the mist version of me and I was invisible to all but Mom, the three primordials and Artemis. She kind of worried about the fact she could still see me even though I said I only wanted my mom as the only one on the council to be able to see me. I told her that the people who already know about the plan will be able to see through the mist. She nodded in understanding.

"Why do you hate us," Zeus asked.

"It's not that I hate you but I wanted to prank you," Percy told him.

The five of us went to Olympus to speak with the gods. Once we got to the throne room Artemis sat on her throne and called the other Olympians. They all came in one by one and once they were sitting in the their thrones most of them saw Nyx holding the mist version of myself, which looked like a hellhound got ahold of it. Zeus and Hades began to panic at what they thought was me dying. Apollo was about to get up when we dropped the mist to show that I had been standing the entire time.

Mom and Artemis were on the floor laughing at the shock faces of everyone. Pontus, Tartarus, and Nyx were smirking at the situation. When the laughing gods stopped, they noticed that it was not just Nyx who was with me but the Primordial of the pit and the Primordial of the sea.

Mom paled thinking that he was going to lose his domain. That is until Pontus said, "We wish to help you all with the upcoming threat with order."

"The primordial of the sea would only take it back if he hated the deity controlling it," Percy said. Poseidon only nodded.

"That is the end of the chapter," Travis said.

"I'll read," Jason announced.

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