Chapter 10: The Garden of Love

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Chapter 10: The Garden of Love

"I'll read," Dionysus said. "Chapter 10: The Garden of Love"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE," Screeched Aphrodite. Percy flinched from the sound of it.

Percy's P.O.V.

While we were looking around in Karakikes S.A. I got this sudden feeling of someone looking directly at me. And I know that Maria and Michel felt the same way. I looked around to see if I could make out anyone who night be suspicious but couldn't find anything. I turned around to walk to another section of clothing but as I did so I accidentally ran into someone. I looked up to apologize to them but when I saw that it was my own mother standing there. I threw myself at him. My mom caught me in his arms and placed his chin on the top of my head as I buried my face in to his chest, silently crying my eyes out.

"I-I t-t-thought you had already faded," I whispered to him.

"And leave my child alone?" Poseidon asked.

He laughed softly and pulled away so he could see me properly. "I was about to when the fates came and told the council about the prophecy," He told me. "And I may have made them tell me if you were alive or not."

"I would tell you if he had passed into my realm," Hades said exasperated.

I laughed at that. I could see that Michel and Maria were becoming confused. Mom saw them and smiled softly. "Mom These are my new friends, Michel and Maria. Michel, Maria this is my mom," I introduced them to each other as I went back in for a hug with my mom.

"I like his hugs," Percy said. "Safe place."

Poseidon smiled at that and held his son closely.

"It is nice to see that someone is taking care of my Percy," Mom said.

"Mom," I said in embarrassment. The three others just laughed at my predicament.

"We still need to get fresh clothes and some food," Michel said.

That caused my mom to frown in worry over weather or not we were getting enough food and water in our systems. Although he did not say anything about the food bit he told us that he would pay for everything that we needed and wanted.

"Of course he would do that," Apollo said.

"And you wouldn't," Poseidon asked

"Obviously I would," Apollo said.

After we got all the clothes that we liked and wanted we head to a grocery store called Panagos. My mom got food that he thought that we would need for our survival and got some metal water bottles for us so we wouldn't get dehydrated. Again he paid for all of the products.

"Why metal?" Ares asked dumbly.

"Pollution," Percy said.

After we left the store all four of us walked to the nearest beach. I decided to sit were the waves would wash over me. Mom just smiled, knowing the love I had for the domain that I had been born in. My two other parents were not allowed down in Atlantis while I was being born I however don't know why that was. Maybe mom thought it was best for me to be born without all the chaos of my two fathers hoovering around the room as he was screaming in agony, trying to push me out of his ass. Yes, I was pushed out of the sea god's butt, and I don't care what you guys think about it. 

"Still upset about that," Zeus said. Poseidon rolled his eyes.

Soon my mom came and sat by me. I looked at him and decided that I wanted to cuddle. My mom somehow knew that I needed to be cuddled into his side, this he pulled me close to him and let me lay my head down on his shoulder.

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