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The gods were lost in thought after what they had just read. They could not believe that they have a third war coming at them head first. None of them wanted to send their children into a war when they had just gotten out of one. They knew that this war was going to be even bigger and more difficult than the one they had just fought, and that their children would be exposed to even more danger and risk. They were also aware of the emotional toll that the war would take on their children, and they did not want them to be exposed to that. They decided that they would have to take drastic measures to prevent this war from happening. They decided to send a powerful message to the gods of the other realms, letting them know that any war would be met with dire consequences.

They gathered the most powerful warriors from their realm and gave them the task of sending the message. The warriors set out on their quest, determined to put an end to the war.They were confident that the warriors would be able to negotiate a peace between the warring factions and that a message sent from them would be taken seriously. They were also confident that the warriors would be strong enough to fight off any opposition they encountered along the way.

Poseidon stood up from his throne and hugged his son. He knew this version of Percy was from the future, but the sea god didn't care. He was proud of his son for standing up for what is right. He reminded Percy that he was a son of Poseidon and that he was capable of much more than he realized. He encouraged Percy to stay strong and to keep fighting for what was right.Poseidon gave his son one last hug before he returned to his throne. Percy felt a surge of strength and determination as he walked away. He had faith that his father's words would guide him through.

Percy buried his face in his dad's chest. He enjoyed the warmth he felt coming off the sea god. He stayed there for a few minutes, absorbing all of the love he felt from his father. He knew that if he went back to his time, he would be able to make a difference. He took a deep breath and stepped back, ready to face the challenges of the future.Percy felt a strong sense of security and comfort with his father's embrace. He knew that no matter what happened, his father would be there to support him. He knew that with his father's help, he could take on whatever the future held.

Apollo and Hermes squashed their children, Maria and Michel. Apollo and Hermes wanted their children to feel safe and loved, but they also wanted them to know that they could handle whatever life threw at them. They knew that with their father's support, their children would be strong enough to face the future. Apollo and Hermes also knew that their children needed to be resilient and capable of standing on their own two feet. They wanted to ensure that their children would be prepared for whatever challenges life brought their way.They instilled in their children a sense of independence, courage, and self-confidence. They taught them to be brave and to never give up. They wanted them to believe that they could take on any obstacle and come out on top.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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