Shout it out loud!

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Character: George Weasley 

Year: Fifth Year

Third-Person's POV

"Stop staring at her!" Fred whisper-yelled to George.

"I am not," said George, quickly looking at his History of Magic book as though nothing had happened. His cheeks are as bright as his hair.

Fred rolled his eyes, unconvinced by George's response. He knew his twin all too well and could see right through his attempt to hide his embarrassment.

"Just ask her out," Fred whispered to George, nudging him playfully. "You've been crushing on her for ages, and it's obvious she likes you too."

George sighed and closed his book. Wanting to get rid of his nagging, he nodded.

Fred grinned mischievously, knowing that George's attempt to brush off his feelings wouldn't last long. He gave his twin a supportive pat on the back before turning his attention back to his own book, secretly hoping that this would be the push George needed to finally make a move. Who are they talking about? Y/N Johnson, a halfblood adopted Hufflepuff, was, in George's eyes, the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. The way her h/c locks cascaded down her shoulders and the way her e/c eyes sparkled when she smiled made George's heart skip a beat every time he saw her. She was the most kind,sensitive person he had ever seen. She was Huflepuff if it were a human being.


"Go and talk to him" Astid whispered to me. "It is obvious he likes you."

"Shut up, he does not," I say to her, looking back down at my book, not before stealing a glance at George to see if he was still looking my way. The way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed, and the way his dimples appeared, made my heart flutter. People would think I am crazy to like George Weasley since I am the opposite of him in every way. He was outgoing, mischievous, and always the life of the party, while I was reserved, studious, and preferred solitude. But ever since he helped me out of a date with the annoying bigmouth, Corman McLaggen, I couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

Classes were over, and the Gryffindor Quidditch team was going to the pitch to practice for tomorrow's match against Slytherin. I went there since Angelina, my stepsister, wanted me to. And maybe because my crush George was also there, but nobody needs to know that. As I watched the team practice, I couldn't help but notice George's impressive skills on the broomstick. Suddenly, he caught my eye and flashed me a mischievous grin, causing my heart to skip a beat. I smiled back before changing my eyes to my sister, who was waltzing on the broom around George. My heart ached; I couldn't blame her. She never knew about my crush on her best friend. But in that moment, watching them together, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy mixed with longing. I picked up my stuff and started heading to the common room when I heard George's voice calling out to me.

I turned around to see him jogging towards me, his broomstick in hand. "Hey, wait up!" he said, a playful twinkle in his eyes. My heart raced as I paused, unsure of what to say next.

"Yes?" I replied, trying to hide the mix of emotions swirling inside me. George flashed me a warm smile and asked

"There's this girl I really like, so I need your help figuring out the perfect way to ask her out. You're great with advice, and she is just like you." My heart sank a little, realizing that George saw me only as a friend. Nevertheless, I mustered a smile and nodded, willing to help him win over the girl he liked.

"What flowers should I give her?" He asked while walking with me.

I pondered for a moment, considering the girl's personality and preferences. "Well, it depends on what kind of message you want to convey," I began. "If you want to express admiration and elegance, perhaps a bouquet of roses would be fitting. However, if you're aiming for something more lighthearted and cheerful, a bunch of sunflowers might do the trick."

"What would you like?" He asked, "I mean, she is a Gryffindor." He quickly corrected

"Um, I like tiger lilies," I say.

"Oh, ok, I am thinking of asking her out tomorrow. How should I?" He asked

"After your quidditch match, shout her name out in the stadiums,I guess," I say jokingly before looking at his serious face. "You are not going to do that, right?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"Thanks, bye, I have to go," he said, running to his common room.

"Please don't do that," I say to no one before going to my common room, wondering if he would take my suggestion and how lucky that girl would be.

The next day, I saw him talking to Angelina privately before the match when I came to wish her good luck. It made me wonder if he had taken my suggestion to heart and was planning something special for her. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, hoping that maybe one day someone would do something just as sweet for me.

"Good luck, Ang,and to you too, George," I said before going to the stands, not waiting for a reply.

After the match

Gryffindor won. And when everyone was going to leave, George shouted
"EVERYONE, I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING TO ALL OF YOU!" Everyone turned to look at him, curious about what he had to say.

"I WANT TO ASK A GIRL OUT. She is the most kind, beautiful, and wonderful person I have ever met." The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, eagerly awaiting George's next words.

With a nervous smile, he continued zooming on his broomstick to ask me, "Y/N, will you go out with me?"

I felt surprised since I never thought it could be me who he was referring to. The crowd fell silent, waiting for my response, as I gathered my thoughts and mustered up the courage to answer him.

"Yes," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper but filled with excitement and happiness. The crowd erupted once again, this time with even louder cheers and applause, as George's face lit up with a wide grin. As he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on my cheek, I couldn't help but blush. It was a moment I would never forget—the start of a new chapter in our lives together.

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