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Character: Remus Lupin (1/1)

Year: 4 year


I sat slumped over a Potions essay in front of the Gryffindor Common Room's roaring fireplace. My terrible general potion skills prevented me from doing it, even though I knew that I shouldn't have waited until the previous night. No matter how many times my best friend Lily Evans told me to complete it on the designated day, I would always end up doing it the night before because of this. And this was what I was doing just after 4 a.m. when I first noticed him hobbling in through the portrait.Remus looked horrible

I wasn't going to lie. He did. His scar-ridden but usually bright complexion was sickly pale. His brown eyes lacked their usual sparkle and his hair seemed to have a couple more gray specks. I was certainly surprised to see him up at this hour which led to me calling him over.

"Remus?" I called out quietly.

Unexpectedly, the boy leaped upon hearing my voice. "Y/N! What are you doing?" He asked, making his way over.

"I could ask you the same question." I replied while raising my eyebrows.

Remus smiled and sat down. "I asked you first."

I rolled my eyes and pointed at the parchment. "Finishing Slughorn's potions essay"

"The one on the effects of fluxweed in polyjuice?" Remus asked me, nodding in response.

"Here. I'll help you. I've finished it.Remus said, reaching over to look over my essay.

As I watched him read over and correct my essay, I realized something.

"You never explained to me why you stayed up so late, much less after curfew. Furthermore, since the prefects finished at 10, don't tell me it was their round." I explained


Remus sighed, put down the quill and looked at me. "I was in the Hospital Wing. I haven't been feeling too great.That did make sense given his appearance, I nodded in response to what he said. As he went back to correcting my essay, I dug around in my bag and pulled something out. I opened it up and offered it to him.

"Want some? Honeydukes finest." I said to which he smiled gratefully and took a large chunk.

"Thank you." He said it politely. I laid it out on the table between us and leaned towards him so that I could see what he was explaining.


Remus never stopped helping me with Potions; he didn't just do it at odd hours of the day or night when I had essays to write, but also during the day.

Following each Potions class, Remus and I would go to the library where he would help us comprehend the material covered in class while we enjoyed a chocolate bar. We were doing it on a ritual basis now, but our friends didn't seem to get it.

"Lily, watch out, Potter and Black are coming over." Marlene said as a group of us girls sat in the corner of the Common Room one evening. We all looked up at the two boys as they approached.

"What do you want, Potter? I already told you no earlier." Lily asked once

James and Sirius stood by our group.

"I know, Evans, and I'm actually here to ask if we can borrow Y/N for a moment." James said, causing my eyebrows to fly up in surprise.

"What? Why do you want to talk to me, i've never spoken to you before, Potter. Or you, Black, for that matter." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just come with us, Y/N ," James pleaded, a hint of desperation in his voice." It won't take long." Sirius pleaded. I rolled my eyes and got up, following the two to another corner of the Common Room.

"Well?" I asked once we had sat down. "To be honest, before you begin, if this is about Lily, I won't respond, so you might as well give up right away." I got up to leave when Sirius pulled me back down.

"It's not about Evans, Myers. It's about Mooney." Sirius explained.

"Remus? What. Is he OK?" I asked.Since I had started to form a slight crush on the boy during our brief tutoring sessions, I asked, a little terrified that something had happened to him.

"He's fine. It's just that myself and Padfoot want to know what your intentions are towards him." James said.

I stared at him as if he had grown two heads.

"Are you dumb?" I asked. "Remus is helping me with Potions, that's it." I said, anger seeping into my voice. "I would never corrupt him or hurt him, he's my friend."

"So, you don't want to go on a date with him?" Sirius asked.

"I don't see how that is any of your business." I responded.

"Listen, Y/N, say hypothetically if Remus was to ask you on a date, what would you say? Yes or No." James stated.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes. Although, I don't see what this has to do with-

"Great. Thanks, Y/N! Bye!" The two boys said before running up towards the boys dorm. I rolled my eyes and made my way back to the girls and explained what happened.


I didn't think anything of the weird conversation that I had with James and Sirius the other day, and this was mainly due to the fact that nothing had changed between me and Remus. As usual, we would sit together in Potions, go to the library afterwards to study and do homework and then head to the Great hall for dinner. Today was no exception. I sat opposite Remus at a secluded table in the corner of the library as we worked on our Transfiguration essay, having just finished our Potions work.

"Have James and Sirius said anything weird to you recently?" Remus asked, causing me to look up.

"Yeah, why?" I replied. He put his quill down.

"What did they say?" Remus asked.

I sighed before answering. "They asked me what my intentions were towards you and if I would go on date with you before running off."

"And what did you say, you know, about the date?" He asked before turning red and ducking his head slightly.

"I said that if you were to ask me, I would say yes." I said quietly.

"So, does that mean you're going to come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Remus asked with a smile.

I nodded, blushing slightly.

"Good." He said before going back to his Transfiguration and me doing the same, my heart racing with excitement.

I actually took inspiration from another author, like my friend showed me a story with a plot like this

Harry Potter One shots (Marauders Era also Included)Where stories live. Discover now