How you Meet him (Oliver Wood)

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Character:Oliver wood

"-so we have to work hard in order to be at the top of our game. We will not lose to those Slytherins again!" Oliver told his team. They let out a couple of half hearted sighs. No one seemed to want to practice quidditch today.

Oliver was the only one who had any spirit. Oliver opened his mouth to speak again, when he was interrupted by George Weasley saying, "What are they doing here?"

Everyone on the Gryffindor team turned to see green and black dressed individuals making their way onto the field. Oliver felt a sudden rage race through him. He had reserved the field for today! He stormed his way over to the Slytherins.

"Where's your captain?" He growled.

"She's right here," a voice said. A beautiful y|h/c haired, y/e/c eyed girl stepped out from the midst of the players.

"Can I help you?"

"Um," Oliver suddenly found it very hard to focus. "Er, I reserved the field for practice today."

"Oh." A slight frown graced your features. " I didn't see that marked down." You thought for a moment. "Very well, we will wait," you finally said. Cries of protest arose from the Slytherin team.

"You're not seriously going to let the Gryffindors run the field, are you, Y/n?" One Slytherin whined. So her name is Y/n, Oliver thought.

"They have reserved it. We will respect their choices," you said sternly. You were determined to improve the Slytherin quidditch team. They were going to be nice and respectful by the time you were done with them.

"Um, thank you," Oliver said awkwardly.

"No problem. Maybe someday you can return the favor," you said with a smile as you walked off the field. Oliver would be more than happy to.

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