Secrets Hurt

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 Character: George Weasley

Dating George Weasley had been her biggest secret. One she intended to keep to herself. She had a plan. She was moving out at the end of the month, once George and Fred had finished setting up their shop and moving into their place. She was looking for a place of her own, not wanting to intrude on Fred. George had insisted that Fred was fine with it. He was more than happy to have his brother's girlfriend move in. Fred really didn't mind. He knew the situation. He knew what could happen if her family found out whilst she was living under their roof. He was fine with her living with them, she was part of the family. But her secret wasn't only hers to keep. Draco had found out one night at the end of her final term. He swore he wouldn't tell, but she didn't trust him. He was twisted with the same mindset that her parents shared. One of blood traitors and mudbloods. She knew it was only a matter of time before he told his father, but she was hoping that she would be long gone before he let her secret slip. Unfortunately, she wasn't. Once her parents had found out, they ranted and raved. To say they were livid was an understatement.

"A Weasley?!" Her mother had screamed, disgust evident on her facial features. Her eyes welled with tears as she took in her mother's hateful gaze. She knew they had just labeled her as a blood traitor for even associating with the Weasley family. And to date one? There was no coming back from that in her parents eyes. She knew it in her heart, she could see it in their faces. She was as good as dead to them. She tried to blink back her tears, but her father started to yell. She flinched at his tone, terror blooming in her bones as he glared at her. "You would associate our family name with those blood traitors?! How dare you!" His words hit her where it hurt. She loved George with everything she had. Her family name meant nothing to her, but she couldn't tell her father that. It had been bad enough when she had been sorted into Ravenclaw. The first in her family to not be sorted into Slytherin. She knew her parent's disdain for her had grown with each passing year. The more she was outside of their way of thinking, the more she blossomed into the person she always wanted to be. She never shared how she felt or thought with her parents, but they knew. They hated the person she had made herself, hated that she didn't care about blood status or wealth. She was everything they were not, everything her family was not.

"Daddy! I love him!" She shouted back as her tears finally spilt over. She couldn't hold them back, not as her father screamed at her. She had heard it a million times. That she was a disappointment to their family and everything it stood for. But the venom behind his words hurt more than ever this time. The way he spoke of George shattered her heart. He was such a great man, so kind, so willing to give even when he had nothing to share. Her father tensed up, his face swallowed by rage. He took a moment to settle himself, a cold smile settling over his lips. "You're going away, far away." Her father spoke in a contemptuous voice. She had never felt more fear in her life. She knew nothing good would come from this. This would be her punishment.


Her days had been hell. She had been locked away with her aunt, Bellatrix. She spent her days avoiding the evil woman, barely eating what she was given (she did not trust Bellatrix Lestrange), and her nights were spent crying. She was rarely alone in the house, someone was always there. She kept to her room, avoiding contact with anyone in the house. Her health had declined, she looked visibly ill. She was sure she had lost a massive amount of weight, none of her clothes fit her right. Living in this hell seemed to be the easiest part to handle. She was suffering from the hardest and most avoidable heartbreak of her life. She longed for George. She longed to hear him laugh, to see his red hair in the sunlight, just to even see his handwriting on a piece of parchment. She only had her memories and the bracelet he had given her for their anniversary last year. She never took it off, it looked like a normal piece of jewelry. A slim gold cuff that held their secret love. She only took it off at night so she could look at the engraving on the inside. 'I love you' in his handwriting adorned the inside of the cuff. It was the only piece of him she had left. She couldn't imagine what he was thinking. Did he think that she just left him? That she decided it was too much to keep this secret? Or did he think the worst.

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