The Medic

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Character: Charlie Weasley (½)

Time: After the war


You were hired to work in Romania. Not to work with Dragons, but as a medic.Proffesor Mcgonagall recommended you herself there after the war, before the war you were working at the St.Mungo's as a trainee doctor.

"So,Y/N this is your apartment, there is no other girl for you to share one with so I hope you are ok with sharing it with Charlie Weasley?" Asks Lian Horan, the supervisor to me.

"Uh ya, sure. What time will I have to come in at the morning?" I ask

"7:30, Anyway tell Charlie if you have any other problem settling in, ok?" He says and adds "Have a good night"

"You too" I reply

I open the door to the small cottage, the smell of pumpkin mixed with firewhisky hit my nose.

"Uh, hello?" I ask, hoping someone would be there

"Oh, You must be Y/N?I am Charlie"Says a deep masculine voice from the drawing room.

I remove my shoes and place my coat on the hanger. I walk to where the voice came from and see a dangerously handsome man.He had Red hair, his face painted with freckles, ver very muscular & I swear his Jawline could cut the sky.I figured he had just come home since he was in his work clothes.

"Uhh, hi, I am, Y/N, The Medic" I start "Lian told me that I am to stay here"

"Yes, your room is that one, the one with the white door, the kitchen is right there and you are standing in the living room" He says taking a sip of Firewhisky.

"Then I will go into my room to set everything up, Nice meeting you" I say going to my room.

The room was a small cozy room, with a white bed with flower blankets and a bookshelf with some books, a wooden desk with writing materials and a window from which you could see the dragons clearly.

"So pretty" I whisper and start setting my things up.

Next Day 9:00 am

It was not even 9 am and I already had 5 people coming inside to get healed.

"Uhh, Y/N?" Charlie asked his right hand Covering a wound in his left bicep.

"Oh, Hi Charlie" I say turning to look at him. "Is it another burn?" I ask

"No, It is a claw scratch" He says meekly, almost scared of my reaction.

"Oh my," I gasp & walk towards him "Show your hand to me"

He takes his left hand forward as I gently grab it and look at it.

Charlie's POV

I handed my left hand to her as she observed it,.Her lips became a bit pouty and kissable,Her eyes were so soft, I just want to kiss her right now &- Wait what? I am not supposed to think about those things, mom is getting to my head too much.She was now going to the small wooden and getting a paste and a needle and a thread.

"What is that?" I ask

"The wound which you have needs a bit of magic and muggle help there" She says "I will first stitch your wound than apply the paste on it, so it will heal in a day."

"Will it hurt?" I ask

"I am pretty sure it will hurt less than being scratched by a dragon" She says smiling "Now, I will need you to stay still"

I stiffen as she pierced the needle to my wound, it felt like my hand was burning in fire.She was blowing on it possibly to soften the feeling down, the feeling of being near her helped calm me down, like a lot.

"There we are done, I will put the paste on it & I would suggest you to go home and lay down for the day" She said while applying the paste on the stitched wound before waving her wand on it.

"Good to go, then" She said & I don't know what got over me so I

"Do you want to go on a date at the muggle cafe near hocklohm street?" But her answer surprised me even more.

"Yes, Charlie I would"


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