The Medic (Part 2)

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Character:Charlie Weasley(2/2)

Year: After the war

Continuation for the first one

You and Charlie had been dating for 2 years, and his parents didn't know, yours died in the battle sacrificing their life for you.That was not the problem at hand, you see since, the past one week you felt nauseous, hungry for weird things and you suspected you were pregnant. You knew about pregnancy tests after staying in the muggle world for a year, and out of suspicion you bought it. Now, you were standing with three tests in your hands all positive. You were happy but scared, What if Charlie doesn't want it? What if his family doesn't like you? And-

Ding Dong

Charlie was home. You kept the pregnancy tests away and went to the front door to open it.

"Hi darling, I got all of the groceries. Also got your sanitary napkins, since there were none in the cupboard." (I just know Charlie would do that) he said while coming in.

Not gonna need those things for 9 months

"Can you keep them on the table?" I ask "I will go and make dinner"

"Sure,love" He said whilem placing the bags on the table. "My love, Why were you crying?" He asked taking a step closer to me.

"I-its nothing, you go and freshen up" I say, taking two steps back.

"Darling, it can't be nothing" He said locking between him and the wall.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper

He looked at me processing the information for a minute before his face broke out into the biggest smile I have ever seen on him.

"That is the most amazing thing!" He said before scanning over the look of worry on my face "Is it not?" He asked more in a confused tone.

"Your family, does not even know me what if they don't like me and-"I was cut off by his lips on mine.

"Darling, they are going to love you. And say, How about we met them next week for christmas?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course"

24 December, 8:00 AM

"Charlie, I can help you-" I start to say

"No, you can't. The doctor told me the we need to be very careful in the first trimester. And anyway, I know how to pack clothes. So, sit there and watch your future husband do some work, Mrs.Weasley" He said

"Mr.Weasley, are you proposing to me?" I ask mocking offended

He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, Mrs. Weasley, I suppose I already did when I put that ring on your finger. But yes, consider this a reminder of my undying love and devotion to you."

I couldn't help but smile, my heart swelling with joy. This was the man I had chosen to spend the rest of my life with, and every day felt like a dream come true. As I watched him carefully fold each piece of clothing and place it neatly into the suitcase, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness to meet his parents.

"Come on love, hold my hand" He said

"I can apparate on my own" I say rolling my eyes

"But-" He starts

"Ok fine" I say getting up and holding his hand. Soon, we were in front of the burrow. Following his lead we were soon at the door and he knocked

Do I look ok?

I don't look fat right. And-

Sensing my discomfort Charlie squeezed my hand reassuringly.When the door opened, a kind woman opened the door, Molly weasley.

"Oh Charlie!" She said before enveloping him in a hug, after hey both retreated she looked at me before saying "You must be the mystery girl he talks about all the time in his letters"

I looked at Charlie seeing he turned into a bright red. Me and Molly looked at each other before laughing as she pulled me inside of the house, with Charlie following behind

Safe to say, his family loved me and were overjoyed for the baby

Guys please, vote and like, I am improving on my stories but I will need feedback for that. Anyway, can you guys start sending me some requests, please.

Bye ILY ❤️

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