Secrets(Harry Potter)

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„So, Viktor Krum, huh?" Y/N grinned at her dear friend, the brightest witch of her age as she blushed furiously.

"Y/N! Not so loud!" she laughed, hitting her arm lightly.

"Why though? It's impressive, 'Mione."

Granger just smiled, refusing to look Y/N in the eye. "Just stop it, you've been taunting me about it three days straight and if the boys find out..." Her voice trailed off as she scanned the common room carefully even though there was no one in there but them.

"How come you never told me who you're going with?" Hermione suddenly spoke up clearly again with her head up, her deep brown eyes scanning her face suspiciously.

"'Cause no one has asked me yet." Y/N tried to look as innocent as possible. This definitely wasn't the kind of conversation she wanted to have with her best friend. It was enough for Y/N already to lie to her about this sort of matter when there was nothing in the world she'd like to discuss with her more than that.

"Oh, really?" Hermione raised her eyebrow, Y/N could tell she didn't quite believe her.

The thing was, she was dying to tell Hermione, so so bad, and she found herself opening her mouth, ready to spill it all out, but she stopped herself soon enough. "Yep, that's right."

"I mean, Ron and Harry are still there." Hermione giggled. Y/N couldn't help it but laughed along with her, even though it wasn't quite true what her friend was saying.


The Yule Ball was slowly but surely approaching and Y/N was still keeping up with her little innocent lie. She was already feeling quite miserable, as she had to lie to all of her friends, but Hermione was troubling her the most. She was Y/N's best friend after all.

"It's truly killing me. She deserves to know." Y/N sighed, placing her head on his shoulder and her arms wrapping around his torso. "Why can't we just tell them?"

"'Cause I want you to be safe, honey, we already had this kind of conversation." Harry smiled sadly at the girl cuddled up next to his side as he gently stroked her hair. He couldn't help but think how incredibly she looked that night, with his old shirt on and messy hair.

"I'm not scared, Harry." Y/N pointed out once again. She pressed one soft kiss on his cheek, hoping it might persuade him.

Harry let out a heavy breath he was holding and glanced at her once again. "Okay, the Yulle Ball is the day we tell them... or show them actually."

Y/N picked herself up on her elbow, staring at him suspiciously. "Are you serious right now?"

"Of course I am! I love you and by the way, I've had enough of Fred's and George's stupid flirty comments."

"You what?" the girl blinked a few times. The room suddenly got all hotter than before even though a cold air was creeping in through the half-opened window.

"I said I lo-" and it was then when Harry replayed his answer in his head and it hit him. He really said it. Those three words came out of his mouth so naturally, didn't even feel weird to him to spill it all out. "I mean, what I said... that thing... like if it's too early and y-you don't feel like it... I mean, it's totally f-fine, you – eh – know... just-"

"I love you too, you idiot." Y/N smiled at how flustered Harry suddenly got, his cheeks flushed.

"Y-you do?" Harry couldn't quite believe that she was still there, lying in his bed, fingers intertwined, feeling just the same as him.

"Of course," Y/N winked at him as she started to pick herself up, "and as much as I'd like to continue in this conversation, I should really get going because the boys might come back any second now."

"Oh, yeah, you're right." Harry mumbled, standing up as well but didn't let go of her hand just yet. He pulled her closer to him once again and pressed his lips against hers in a long and passionate kiss.

"Keep on what you're doing and I might as well marry you, Mr Potter." Y/N sniggered and with one last quick kiss she left his dorm.

Y/N slowly crept down the stairs leading to the Gryffindor common room, secretly wishing that no one would be there – it was still time of dinner and knowing Ron, they all should be sitting in the Great Hall for a few more minutes. Just what she needed to get into her own dorm.

There were four stairs left as Y/N stopped and listened carefully if she can hear anyone talking. The common room was quiet as a graveyard. She smiled to herself and without any other second thought she stepped into the room, not even bothering to look around, and ran on her tiptoes to the second staircase.

"There she is! Our lovely Y/N Y/L/N, creeping out of the boys' dormitory!" Fred exclaimed cheekily. Y/N froze right on her spot.

"What have you been doing there, dear Y/N?" George smirked, sharing a knowing look with his brother.

"I might have a few ideas." Fred winked at her.

"As a matter of fact, I do too."

Y/N swallowed slowly, finally looking around the place properly. Almost everyone was sitting there, with their eyes focoused on her. She felt her cheeks heating up so fast, a wave of nervousity flashed over her.

"Hey, everybody." she managed to get out of her. Her gaze landed on Hermione and Y/N felt such a relief like she hadn't felt in her entire life when her best friend was sincerely laughing, not frowning that Y/N kept such an information from her.

"Nice outfit, Y/N." Fred spoke up again, smirking. The Gryffindors erupted in another laugh but this time, Y/N laughed with them. It felt like a huge stone was lifted from her heart and she couldn't wait for tomorrow to finally show everybody that her, Y/N Y/L/N was dating Harry Potter.

Then, another Weasley voice interrupted the cheery mood, but this time it belonged to Ron: "So, you're really telling me I'm the only one who hasn't got a date?"

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