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I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night

Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife

You were currently in the Burrow along with Harry and Hermione. Deciding to spend the summer with the Weasley's as Ron suggested.

"Hey give it back (Y/N)!" Hermione shouts playfully, you are holding her diary in your hands as the night progressed. You were all in the living room, it was too early (it was also kind of late) to go to bed anyways.

"Ooh what's this? Ron look it's for you." You teasingly said as you saw your friend's name scribbled in her handwriting. Ron piped his head up at the mention of his name, Harry looking back and forth at the scene before him while Hermione stared at you with wide eyes "Don't you dare! Accio!" Hermione says, pulling out her wand. You felt the pull of the book eager to get out of your grasp and you let it, snapping back to Hermione's hand.

"What's it about?" Ron asks, looking at Hermione "At least tell me you've been writing good things on there." Which earned him a smack on the head with the said diary, him letting out an 'ow' as both you and Harry laughed. "Oh believe me, expect the worse, Ronald." Hermione retorts with a now growing smile on her face.

You were about to speak when the door opened suddenly, knocking you on the ground face first with a rather harsh thud. It didn't occur to you that you were standing in front of the Burrow's front door now you suffered the consequences. But wait, who was there? Who the hell opens doors at midnight? You propped yourself up, rubbing your arm, a throbbing pain was felt. You were about to face the intruder when they were already the first one to grab ahold of you, taking your shoulder and facing you towards them.

And if it was an open-shut case

I never would've known from that look on your face

Lost in your current like a priceless wine

"Dear Merlin, my apologies." You then registered it was a man. Your eyes squinted, taking in the features of the person in front of you.

Red hair like the rest of the Weasley's yet his hair brushed at his shoulders, striking blue eyes, and a rather noticeable scratch-like scar on the left side of his face. It was another one of the Weasley's? Were you dreaming?

He seemed to be talking but your thoughts zeroed on him, dumbfounded.

"Bill!" Then you heard Ron's voice.

Bill Weasley. You've sworn you have seen him in the past or so here in the Burrow, yet this was the only time you had clearly seen him in person.

"(Y/N) get up." Hermione whispers, taking your arm and pulling you up.

"Apologies again, I hope you're alright?" Bill's voice spoke.

Hermione sent an inconspicuous pinch on your arm, making you shake your head and nod. "I'm fine, please don't worry, I should be the one apologizing since I was blocking the door." You laugh shyly.

He smiled as well, and you cursed the light tingle you felt in your stomach.

The more that you say, the less I know

Wherever you stray, I follow

Tomorrow morning after the incident, the Weasley family was ecstatic to find out Bill was home and had a few weeks off. Molly hugging his eldest son while rambling on about how it's been a while. You of course, were fascinated at how the Weasley's were as a family. You smiled, offering to help Molly clean after breakfast but she just brushed you off, saying that you should go hang out with the others.

Harry Potter One shots (Marauders Era also Included)Where stories live. Discover now