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Her day did not start how she hoped it would. She had taken the day off, but the world had other plans. She had been called into work at 3AM, unable to say no. She told her supervisor that she absolutely had to leave before nine, but she ended up being there until a little after ten. She had rushed home after her shift. She intended on going straight to the shop, but she looked like hell. She hurried to get changed and make herself look presentable to the public. Seven hours at the hospital had left her hair a mess, and it wasn't easy to tame. She ended up pulling it back in a braid, smoothing her hair the best she could. She didn't bother trying to cover the dark circles under her eyes, it was pointless. She had stopped for a coffee on her way to the shop, needing as much caffeine as she could to stay awake. She hurried down the sidewalk, practically jogging. She grinned when she saw the shop, the boys really weren't ones for anything subtle. Walking into the joke shop was like something out of a movie. It was lively from the second the twins had opened the doors. She had been caught up, not able to make it right when they opened. She found herself wishing she was here when they opened the doors. It was almost ironic how magical the whole scene was. She promised her best friends that she would be there as soon as possible. She brought her coffee to her lips, forcing herself to only sip it. If the caffeine couldn't keep her awake, the energy in this shop definitely could. It was buzzing with life and laughter.

She smiled to herself as she looked around. Kids were running around the shop, looks of awe on their faces. Teens were eyeing candies that would definitely get them out of class. She forced herself not to shudder at the many memories of the prototypes for all of those candies, and the time she accidentally ate a fainting fancy. It took mere seconds for her to hit the ground, yelling at Fred and George when she woke up. She found herself overwhelmed by a sense of joy for the twins as she looked around trying to find them in the crowd. The shop was packed, she figured it would be. She was so proud of both of them. She finally spotted the two, buzzing around the shop, talking to almost everyone as they zipped around. She figured the twins would find her soon or later, not wanting to interrupt them as they hastled a group of what looked to be first or second years.

She spotted Hermoine and Ginny at a display of what looked to be love potions. She had to hand it to the twins, the display would easily draw anyone in. It was gorgeous.

She made her way through the crowd and greeted the two girls. "What are you two up to?" She asked, picking up a heart shaped vial, turning it over in her hand. "We're just looking."

Ginny mumbled, her cheeks slightly pink. She let it slide, already knowing what they were doing. She knew Ginny had a crush on Harry, and she knew that Hermoine was pining after Ron, even if she would deny it

. "Well, I'll just look, too." She winked, uncorking the vial. "I'm sure they won't mind." She brought the vial up to her nose, freezing at the smell. Vanilla, pumpkin juice, floo powder, and cedarwood.

She corked the vial, slowly putting it back on the display. She looked up to the two girls, hoping her cheeks weren't as red as they felt. Ginny gave her a knowing smirk, but Hermoine looked clueless.

"What did-?" Hermoine started to ask, but was cut off by the twins. She felt her cheeks burn a little hotter, causing Hermoine to smirk. That partially answered her question.

"Hello ladies. Love potions, eh?" The twins said in unison.

Her cheeks burned as she met Fred's eyes. Oh, for merlin's sake. "They really do work!" Again, in unison. The two girls wandered away, putting the potions back. George was quickly distracted by a group of young wizards, leaving her and Fred alone. She tried her best to avoid his eyes, hoping her blush would fade.

"I'm sure you won't be needing that anyway." Fred slung an arm over her shoulder, "Glad you're here." He gave her a small squeeze.

She leaned into him, fiddling with her sleeves. "Quite honestly, I might. You seem to be quite thick headed." She bit her lip, glancing around the shop.

The silence that fell over them was deafening in the loud shop.

"Uh, anyway, I do have to get back. I took an hour so I could come down." She finally looked up at Fred, only to find him already looking at her.

"What time are you off?" She noticed a faint shade of pink across his freckled cheeks. Maybe he wasn't that thick headed.

"6ish? I'm covering for Lottie so she can get some rest. We've been beyond short." She fiddled with the hem of her sleeve, trying her best not to seem nervous or utterly embarrassed that she not-so-subtly told Fred she liked him.

"We'll be done around 7. Can I stop by?" Fred gave her a hopeful look. She fought the smile tugging at her lips.

"Since when do you ask before you just show up? You know you're always welcome." She gently nudged him with her shoulder. "Sooo, is that a yes?"

She arrived home earlier than she thought she would, Lottie came back after a 'four hour power nap'. She took the extra time to relax. A long, hot shower followed by a glass of wine and her favorite satin slip. She had contemplated not wearing pyjamas, but she did anyway. If it were anyone besides Fred stopping by, she would've grabbed a jumper and leggings, but Fred had seen her in a lot of scandalous situations over the years. She was curled up under a blanket on her sofa about to doze off when a knock sounded at her door. She reached for her wand, haphazardly flicking it, hoping it would actually open the door. She heard the door shut, followed by footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I'm offended, couldn't greet me at the door?" Fred asked, feigning a hurt tone.

She pushed herself up at the sound of paper crinkling. She gave Fred a confused look, but a smile graced her lips when she noticed exactly what he was holding.

"How rude of me! I didn't know you were bringing a poorly wrapped gift." She teased, patting the spot next to her. She watched Fred as he moved across the room. She reached out, tugging on his coat as he crossed in front of her.

"Take your bloody coat off." She murmured. A small laugh came from him. "Hold this then, bossy." He pulled his coat off, laying it over the back of her sofa before sitting next to her. His hand clasped over hers as she went to shake the paper package.

"Just open it." He laughed. "And I'm the bossy one." She mumbled, narrowing her eyes at him.

Fred leaned back, throwing his arm along the back of the sofa behind her. She pulled the twine and began unfolding the paper. She felt her cheeks heat up when she saw what he had wrapped up. She took the heart shaped vial in her hand, turning her whole body to Fred.

"You're a bloody idiot." She gave him an exasperated look. "Merlin, read the label, love." He laughed. She let out a huff, looking down at the label. The original label had been peeled off and was replaced with Fred's handwriting. The label had been replaced with a description of her perfume, the smell of her shampoo, the tea she always drank, and what could only be described as the smell of St. Mungos when you walked in the doors.

"You could've just got me flowers." She mumbled, peeking up at the red-haired man sitting next to her. "Or, I don't know, asked me on a date anytime in the past two years."

"You said you might need it." He teased, his arm falling around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. She leaned her head against him, pulling her blanket over his lap. He pulled her closer against him.

"Do I?" She whispered, turning the vial over in her hands. Fred pulled away from her, bringing his hand up to her face. His fingers curled under her chin, gently pulling her gaze to his. His thumb brushed over her bottom lip as he gave her a small smile.

"If I ever say yes, I want you to force me to drink that." He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Her eyes fluttered shut as she kissed him back. She moved his lips against his, reaching up to tangle her fingers into his hair. She pulled back, resting her forehead against his.

Harry Potter One shots (Marauders Era also Included)Where stories live. Discover now