How you meet him (Ronal Weasley)

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Character:Ronald Weasley

"-don't give me that look, Ronald Weasley," Hermione said harshly. "Y/n is a good friend of mine and she needs my help. If you don't like it you can leave."

"Bloody hell, Hermione, I wasn't giving you a look. I could care less about who you are friends with," Ron muttered angrily.

Harry just shook his head in exasperation at his two friends. Hermione had mentioned that her friend Y/n needed some help with her homework and told the boys that she had invited YIn to join them in the library. Ron was less than pleased with the idea of a strange girl joining their group.

Hermions opened her mouth to tell Ron to shove off when a cheery voice called out to the trio

"Hi guys! Hermione, I am so so sorry that I'm late. I had to get my books and then Cedric walked in... anyway, how have you been?' Ron stared with wide eyes at the pretty girl who had spoken. She had shiny y/h/c hair and brilliant y/e/c eyes. Her uniform was stylishly messy and her face was glowing with a smile

"That's alright, Y/n. I'm glad you could come." Hermione gestured to the chair next to her and you sat down. You glanced at the red haired boy across from you and smiled. Ron could feel himself growing red. "Oh!" Hermione exclaimed. "I forgot to introduce you to the boys. You know Harry, of course." Hermione smiled in Harry's direction. "The red head is Ron."

"Nice to meet you, Ron," you said softly.

"Nice to meet you too, " Ron managed to choke out. Hermione immediately dove into the nitty gritty bits of charms while you listened. Ron tried to work on his homework, but he couldn't focus when the girl sitting across from him looked so pretty.

A bit of time passed and Hermione said, "Harry, could you get The Essence of Magic* for me? I think that would help me explain this better."

Harry stared at Hermione blankly. Hermione let out a disgusted sigh and started towards one of the many bookshelves.

"Wait, Hermione! I can get it!" Harry shouted, running after the brown haired girl. You laughed before slamming your book closed.

"So, Ron, do you like being a Gryffindor?" You asked suddenly. Ron looked at you in surprise.

"Um, yeah, it's nice. I like it." Ron coughed awkwardly

"Nice." You sat there for a bit in silence. 'I'm a Hufflepuff."

"Really? I never would have guessed that."

"Why, is that surprising?' You asked.

"Well" Ron was beginning to regret his reaction. "Um, Hufflepuffs are more, er, quiet" You laughed.

"They normally are. Though, I am an exception," You said with a wink.Luckily for Ron, Hermione and Harry came back before he could say anything embarrassing.Throughout the rest of the evening,however, Ron kept sneaking glances at you.

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