Mooncalf (Ronald Weasley)

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Ron Weasley wasn't looking for love. In fact, after the chaos of the Horcrux hunt and the Battle of Hogwarts, love felt like a distant dream, a fragile thing easily shattered. Yet, there you were, sitting across from him in the worn armchair of the Gryffindor common room, sunlight streaming through the window and dappling your face.

It had been a year since Voldemort's defeat. Hogwarts, slowly healing its scars, felt different. Quieter, for one. But a new kind of quiet, one that hummed with the promise of normalcy. You, a new transfer student from Ilvermorny, were a big part of that change.

You weren't like anyone Ron had ever met. You had a way of weaving fantastical stories about your American magical school, tales of Wampus cats and Scourgats that left everyone breathless. You dueled with a casual grace that belied surprising power, once disarming even George in a playful duel that left the twins sputtering with laughter. But most of all, you had a way of looking at Ron, a genuine curiosity that made him feel seen, not just as 'Harry's friend' or 'one of the Weasley's.'

This particular afternoon, the common room was deserted. Rain lashed against the windows, a comforting rhythm that punctuated your hushed conversation. You were describing the magical creatures native to your homeland, your voice animated as you sketched intricate figures in the air with your wand, conjuring shimmering blue projections of a Thunderbird and a Mooncalf.

"They say Mooncalfs fall in love with the first thing they see after they transform," you said, a playful glint in your eyes.

Ron felt a familiar warmth creep up his neck. "So, if I were a Mooncalf," he started, then stopped, suddenly self-conscious. "Well, never mind."

You leaned forward, your eyes sparkling. "What were you going to say?"

"Nothing important," he mumbled, avoiding your gaze.

"Everything is important, Ron," you said softly, your voice laced with a seriousness that surprised him. "Especially after everything you've been through."

He looked up then, meeting your gaze. The air crackled with a sudden unspoken tension. Neither of you moved, the only sound the drumming of the rain. Then, with a hesitant smile, you broke the spell.

"How about a game of Exploding Snap?" you suggested, your voice lighter.

Relief washed over Ron, quickly followed by a pang of something else, a flicker of disappointment he couldn't quite explain. The rest of the afternoon flew by in a flurry of exploding Snap cards and playful banter. As the rain subsided, painting the sky with a vibrant orange glow, you announced you had to head back to your dorm.

At the doorway, you turned back, a hint of shyness in your smile. "Thanks for today, Ron. It was fun."

"Yeah," he stammered, his heart hammering in his chest. "It was... brilliant."

You hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward, whispering in his ear, "Maybe tomorrow we can talk about what Mooncalfs really see when they transform."

With that, you winked and slipped out of the common room, leaving Ron standing there, a smile playing on his lips, a warmth blossoming in his chest. He wasn't looking for love, but maybe, just maybe, it had found him anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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