Shut up

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Character: George Weasley (2/2)

Year: Fifth Year


"Ginny, I do not like your brother." I say "He is irritating, and always focusing on pranks"

"He is a nice person, & is fun. Unlike you, who is always studying" replies Ginny.

"Hey, be nice to me I am 2 years older to you" I say punching Ginny on the Shoulder.

"You know what I am going to make sure, you go on a date with George" Says Ginny in a tone of finality.

"And I bet you, you can't" I shout as Ginny runs to the Quidditch Pitch to practice, as I walk to the Gryffindor common room.

Third Person's POV

"Hello brother dearest!" Ginny says skipping happily to her brother.

"What do you want?" Asks George

"You have to ask Y/N out" She stated to him. "You like her anyway"

"N-no, I don't" He says his cheeks flushing red, as his eyes found a newfound interest in Oliver's bag

"Oh please, it's visible to everybody but you both!" Ginny hisses at him

"S-she likes me?" he stutters, his face the colour of his hair.

"Oh my god, You my brother,are so clueless, just ask her out!" Joins Fred .

"It's not easy! Look, I will do what I need to! Can we just go to practise?" Says George going to the pitch with his broom in his hand.

Three hours later

Y/N was walking to the Gryffindor Common room when she bumped into someone dropping all her books.

"Oh,I'm sorry" says a deep voice, "I will help you" he says crouching down

"George?" Y/N asks looking up at him.

"Y/N?Oh my god, I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going & actually I was coming to you as I thought you were in the common room. I wanted to ask you out, because I have liked you since third year but I don't know if you like me or not. And then Ginny told me you liked me and-" Y/N cut off his rambling by placing her lips on his and kissing him softly and after feeling him kissing her back she went a little closer to him leading to a full out makeout session.

"Sorry, I couldn't think of any other way of shutting you up" Y/N says, hoping he does not regret the moment.

"Wow" George whispers to himself before regaining his cocky nature back "Well, then I should speak a lot, eh?"

"Oh,Hush up" She says now standing up with her books in her hand.

"So," starts George now becoming red in the face "Lets go to hogsmeade this saturday, just you & me?"

"Sure, why not? & we are reaching curfew so we should head to the common room" says Y/N taking his hand in hers and taking him to the common room.

"You owe me 10 Galleons" says Fred holding his hand out to Ginny

"Oh, come on" says Ginny, putting a bag of money in his hand.

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