Do I have Detention?

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Character:Draco Malfoy

(Y/N) stormed up the common room where her group sat, and as soon as she saw Draco's head she threw the closest thing next to her, which was a pen. With her Quidditch accuracy she was able to hit him in the middle of his head.

"What the fuck?" Draco's hand came to the back of his head, then turned around. As he saw (Y/N), he scowled, "(Y/L/N), what the fuck?"

(Y/N) however was not deterred by Draco's tone, instead marching over to him and poking him in the chest, with her chin jutting out she poked him again. "Stop stealing my fucking clothes! Specifically my ties!"

As soon as she said that, Draco grinned, he curled his tongue behind his teeth, "I have no idea what you're saying darling."

She pointed her finger at him again, "You! I know that it's you! I got in trouble with Snape, I have never ever had a problem with Professor Snape before and because of you and your childish antics, I have detention this Friday!" Suddenly the realization of having detention dawned on her, and her face grew pale, "I have detention! Me! Oh god," (Y/N) placed a hand on her head and sat down on the couch.

(Y/N) sat down on the couch, her head held in her hands. Theo, Pansy and Blaise looked at each other, wondering what to do.

"You're cute when you're angry," Draco's voice filled the void.

(Y/N) looked at Draco and scowled, "That's all you have to say? I'm cute when I'm angry?" Again her voice grew angrier, and her scowl grew more prominent on her face. "Draco, this is serious! I've never had a detention in my life! Oh god, what happens if ruins my chances at being in the Dofan and East Firm?"

Draco looked at his girlfriend and sat down next to her, he gently rubbed her back, "I'm sorry. But don't worry about your grades, I'm sure that they won't care that you got detention."

"But I care!" (Y/N) whined.

Knowing that (Y/N) would not stop, he racked his brain trying to figure out what would make her happy again.

"You could always change his hair color," Theo drawled out. Draco looked at his friend and scowled.

He then turned back to (Y/N) who had her eyebrow arched, "That might work."

"(Y/N), no," Draco pleaded.

(Y/N) pouted, "Fine." She crossed her arms and leaned back into the couch.

Draco looked at her and rolled his eyes, knowing that she wouldn't talk to him until he caved in. "Fine, but it can't be Weasley red or a neon color!"

The Great Hall's conversation promptly stopped as soon as Draco Malfoy walked in followed by Blaise and Theo laughing their heads off. The usual platinum haired aristocrat, was now a pink-haired aristocrat. Draco scowled as he heard whispers and saw fingers pointing towards him. As he got to his chair, he noticed that (Y/N) was in her usual spot and not at detention.

"I thought you had detention," Draco asked. He looked up at the table and saw Snape sitting there, a small smirk on his face.

(Y/N) turned to Pansy, "Detention? When did I say I have detention? Pansy, did I say that I have detention?"

Pansy shook her head, "You're (Y/N), you don't get detention."

(Y/N) turned back to Draco with a sly smile on her face. "YOU!" Draco pointed at his girlfriend.


"You were never in trouble with Snape! You made that up!" Draco spoke out loud.

"I never made anything up darling," (Y/N) drawled out. "What did happen though was prove that you're so in love with me that you would dye your hair pink, and you help me earn money." She jingled the coin bag in her right hand.

Draco sat down, narrowing his eyes at his girlfriend. "Don't do that, you'll get wrinkles." (Y/N) smoothed out her boyfriend's face.

"You tricked me," Draco whispered. He pouted for a while then looked back at his girlfriend, "My god, I love you."

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