How you meet him (Cedric Diggory)

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Character:Cedric Diggory

*Sorry if your name is Stella. You can change your friend's name to something else if you want*

Y/m/n= your mother's name

(You are seven years old)

"I know you'd rather be with Stella, YIn," your mother said calmly. "But I already planned to spend the day with the Diggorys." You frowned. You and Stella had planned to build a huge blanket fort today and now your magnificent plans were being interrupted.

You and your mother arrived at Diggory's house. You immediately felt shy around all these new people and kept your gaze locked on the ground

"Y/n, honey, why don't you go play with Cedric?" Your mother suggested. You glanced at the smiling boy in front of you. He seemed nice enough, you supposed. Cedric grabbed your hand and pulled you into a large sitting room.

"My mother said we can play in here," he informed you. You just nodded in response. "So," Cedric said after a moment of silence. "What do you want to do?"

"I was going to build a blanket fort with my friend Stella today," you whispered. Cedric somehow managed to hear you and his smile got even Wider.

"That's a fantastic idea, YIn!" He exclaimed. "We have a ton of blankets in this chest," he pointed to a large wooden chest by the wall.

You smiled and immediately began to grab blankets out of the chest.

~time skip~

"Y/n! Where are you- oh my." Your mother's voice came from somewhere outside of the fort. You giggled and snuggled deeper into the fort.

Cedric gestured for you to be quiet. You grinned at him and he returned the smile. "Y/n, we really need to go," your mother said.

"Y/m/n, did you find them?" Mrs. Diggory asked. "Well, well, it looks like they've been busy," she said with a laugh. Your mother sighed and then climbed into the fort, surprising you and Cedric. She dragged you out with a smile on her face.

"Say goodbye to Cedric, honey," your mother instructed you.

"Bye, Cedric," you said softly.

"Goodbye, Y/n," Cedric said with a smile. "Come back again soon!" He called after you

'I will!" You shouted back.

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