How you meet him(Draco Malfoy)

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Character:Draco Malfoy

Draco smirked at the huddle of children around him. Sure, they were his age, but, being a Malfoy, he was obviously superior. The line of kids squished together as they walked towards the front. There was no doubt in Draco's mind where he was going to be placed. Slytherin was obviously the only house for him.

His thoughts of superiority were interrupted by the person behind him stepping on the heel of his shoes. Draco whirled around to face the person who had committed the audacious crime. He was met with the harsh gaze of a very pretty y/h/c haired girl.

"What?" You asked curtly.

"You stepped on my shoes." Draco spat. You rolled your eyes.

"So? It's not like they're ruined."

"You have to apologize," Draco informed you. If looks could kill, he would be quite dead by the glare that you were giving him.

"I don't have to do anything, thank you very much." You flipped your hair in a dismissive gesture and looked toward the hat that was deciding the fates of the students. Draco wanted to fire back some clever insult, but couldn't think of any.

Finally it was Draco's turn to be sorted. He was placed in Slytherin. He wasn't at all surprised. Draco couldn't help but wait with baited breath as he watched the hat decide where the y/h/c haired girl should be placed. Part of him wanted her to be Slytherin, and the other part of him wondered why he wanted that.

After what seemed like forever, the hat made its decision.

"Slytherin!" It called. You smirked with satisfaction and made your way over to the Slytherin table. You took a seat across from the platinum haired boy.

"Looks like we're in the same house, Malfoy," You said with a falsely sweet tone.

"So it would seem, L/n," Draco spat back.

"This will be so fun," you muttered sarcastically. Draco rolled his eyes and focused on the food before him. Being in the same house with this girl would be very interesting.

Next on the list is:

Cedric Diggory

Oliver wood

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