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| Y/N's POV |

"I guess she really is a sugar mommy." I shrug my shoulders, sitting on my bed, a little in shock about Hailee's revealed age. Billie laughed, sitting next to me.

"Yeah... but hey? She's hot, no?" The girl asked me, looking at me with a knowing look.

I smirked, chuckling as I nodded. "Very, very, hot." I state, both of us laughing before a silence fell over us. I looked up at Billie. "I can't be mad at you forever, you know."

"I know." She sighed, running a hand through her hair as she turned her head, looking at me as well. "But I know that I have a lot of work to do to earn your trust back. Let alone, our friendship." I nodded in agreement at her words. "I hope you know that I really regret joining Hailee's business, if I didn't tell her about you-"

"Wait." I pause, closing my eyes as I hold a hand up, effectively stopping Billie. "Back up. You told her about me?" I turned towards her, raising a brow.

Her eyes widened, cursing under her breath as she avoided my eyes. "Uh y-yeah." She stuttered, I stood up, opening my mouth to yell at her. "Hold on! Before you yell, just know I told her because you were the only friend I had and I obviously cared about you! I wanted to make sure you had protection when you moved here, I never knew that 'protection' meant to be kidnapped and taken back to her mansion so she could make you into her fuck toy, but then she catches feelings for once in her life and asks you on a date, so no, I didn't plan for any of this to happen!" She rambled so quickly out of her mouth, I could've sworn she was Eminem for a second. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, all I am now is just confused.

"Oh my god." I mumble, putting my head in my hands. "One: no more fast rambling, I need to understand you Bill. And two: what do you mean she 'never catches feelings'?" I quote her.

Billie stood up, her hands behind her back. "Yeah, like I said, she's never dated anyone, never kissed anyone, and never caught feelings. She always put the business first."

"I can't worry about this right now!" I exclaim looking at the clock that was annoyingly ticking loudly. "I have to meet Hailee soon for our date in an hour! Im not even ready yet." I panic, rushing to the closet, I toss every single piece of clothing out.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Y/N/N." Billie says, her voice calling out to me from behind. "I'll help you, don't worry. Hailee's never punctual either." She joked, earning a smile from me as she jumped into help, searching through the clothes with me.


"Wow." Hailee muttered under her breath as I walked towards her, meeting halfway down the stairs as she surprisingly took my hand, holding it as she guided me down the rest of the way. "Beautiful is such an understatement." She complimented, eyeing the sunflower dress I wore, I hate a nice, auburn coat to keep me warm as well, and of course, I wore flats.

"So, what're we doing?" I asked, squeezing Hailee's hand when she seemed a little out of it. "Haiz?" Her eyes were glued to me, her mouth closed as she remained silent in my presence. "Babe?" That one word caused her to look up at me, her eyes widening just a little but to me, it was noticeable.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, stuffing her hands in her pockets shakily. "You just look so gorgeous." Hailee whispered, thinking I couldn't hear but I did, I definitely did. I blushed, hard. "Ready to go?" She cleared her throat, holding her hand for me once again, I happily took it, following her out the door as we walked to her garage. I noticed the black Jeep she had, making me smile, she seemed like the person to own that kind of car.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I ask, sitting in the passengers seat after she opened the door for me, we were on the road, Hailee driving down a bunch of roads, I did move to Los Angeles weeks ago and I never got to explore it, so I had no clue where we were going.

"That's a... surprise." She exhaled slowly, smiling a little as I laced our fingers together. Hailee tapped her finger nervously against the steering wheel, her one hand on it as she stared intently at the road in front of her.

"Are you kidnapping me? Again?" I joked with a smirk, my smirk turning into a smile when Hailee chuckled.

"No." She shook her head, glancing at me as she pulled the Jeep up onto a cliff. "Come on." Hailee unbuckled her seat belt, unbuckling mine in the process as she opened my door for me, allowing me out. I walked out, looking up above me at the bright green trees. It felt good to stand on grass again, hearing the twigs and leaves crunch under my feet. "Follow me." Hailee held my hand as she guided me through a small part of an upcoming forest.

My eyes glazed over the scenery, admiring every little bit of nature, I will admit, I was also admiring Hailee too. She looked a lot more peaceful out of mansion, far from her stack of work she had to deal with. Her shoulders were relaxed, her touch was more soft and gentle and her face was more... lit up. She looked like perfection.

"Oh." I gasped quietly as we pushed through the bushes, seeing a picnic arranged on the ground with a view of the mountains and the Hollywood sign. "Hailee..." I whispered softly, my hand covering my mouth as Hailee looked at me nervously.

"Do you like it?" She asked, fiddling with the rings on her fingers. I walked up to her, causing her to look at me as I dusted her shoulders off, adjusting her tie.

"I love it." I smile, speaking after a moment which made her sigh in relief, smiling a little as I look up at her. "Shall we?" I hold my hand out for Hailee, using my head to gesture towards the blanket.

"Yes." She grabbed my hand gently. "We shall."


"I love sunsets so much." I whisper, me and Hailee were laying on our backs, watching the sunset. Or well I was, I haven't looked yet but it felt like Hailee's eyes were burning holes into the side of my head. "Thank you for bringing me here." I work up the course to turn my head, and of course, I was right. She was staring at me, but not with lust, with a different feeling in her eyes.

"I just... wanted to bring you somewhere special. This is where I come to get away." Hailee commented, directing her gaze from me to the sky. I take opportunity to move towards her, resting my head on her bicep as I force her arm around my waist, her body relaxing to my touch.

"I hope this is the first date of many..." Hailee confessed in a vulnerable state, lacing our fingers together and placing a kiss on the back of each of my fingers. She then kissed her way up my exposed arm, causing me to giggle as she lightly kissed my neck, making her way up my jaw to my lips, hovering slightly over them. "Is this okay?" God this consent will kill me. I nod, my hand going to the back of her head as she connects our lips together in a slow but passionate kiss.

"Mmm keep kissing me." I mumble between kisses, slowly moving to hover over Hailee, her arm slithering around my waist to pull my body on top of hers. I moaned into the kiss, my chest falling on top of hers as we make out for what feels like forever but it was amazing, passionate, and so beautiful.

Her and I | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now