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| Hailee's POV |
A/N: there is trauma in this BUT something good comes out at the end 👀

I got to our house in record time, I practically sprinted upstairs — confusing my servants who watched me. I threw our bedroom door open and physically relaxed, letting out a loud sigh of relief when Y/N was peacefully sleeping in our bed. One of her hands was tucked away under her head while the other was resting on the small belly bump she developed.

"Ma'am, is everything okay?" One of my servants peeped his head in, his voice just above a whisper since Y/N was sleeping.

"Yes... I just had to make sure my girl is safe." I tightened my hands into fists as I turned to him. "I want double the security on this place, my parents are never to set a single foot near this house, do you understand me?" He nodded his head anxiously and quickly turned on his heel to get right on my order.

I exhaled slowly and kicked my shoes off, as I removed pieces of clothing, I was left in my boxers and a plain t-shirt. I crawled in bed, spooning Y/N from behind, I kissed her arm. My hands cupped her belly, my thumb gently running along the silk dress she was wearing.

"Lee?" Y/N's raspy voice called out for me. She groggily opened her eyes and sat up. "What're you doing home?"

"Just missed you like crazy." It's not a complete lie — I have become clingy over my future wife.

Y/N beamed at me with a sleepy smile. "Okay..." She whispered softly and stuffed her face in my chest. "Let's take a nap together."

"Okay, my love." I whispered and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She was knocked out within seconds, but I couldn't sleep and I probably won't. I need to make sure my parents come no where near my girl and my babies.

An impatient knock was placed on the door causing me to turn my attention towards whoever is on the other side of the door. "Who is it?" I quietly called out, but no one responded. I stood up with suspicion, gently resting Y/N against the bed. I pressed my ear to the door to try and hear for anything, but I heard nothing. I slowly opened the door only to be met with the other end of a rifle. My vision went black as I collapsed to the ground.


I felt a cold feeling run through my body. My face felt numb, but I could taste the copper of my blood in my mouth and on my lips. My eyes immediately snapped open when I found myself in chains in some basement. Y/N was huddled up in a giant cage in the corner of the room.

"Y/N?" I tried calling for her, but no response was made. She's knocked out, not dead. "Fuck." I shake my wrists in the chains that withheld me back. Suddenly the basement door opened and slammed closed. Menacing footsteps tracked down the steps. I looked up and made eye contact with my parents... and my brother who stood beside them.

"Griffin..." I couldn't help but mutter shockingly under my breath. He glanced away from me in shame, guilt, and regret. My father or should we say, Pete, cackled his head off.

"Sorry not sorry, daughter." He smacked his lips and looked at my girlfriend. "Congratulations on your twins, by the way." He smirked when he noticed the way my facial expression hardened.

"I will fucking kill you if you touch her." I growled but my threats became meaningless when Cheri held the right end of a pistol up to my head.

"Talk again and I'll shoot." She hissed with squinted eyes. I didn't say another word... for Y/N's sake.

Pete circled me like a hawk with its prey. "You could've just handed us what we wanted, but no, you were looking for trouble, Haiz." He roughly settled his hands on my shoulders, making my breath hitch.

"Now... Griffin, will get the information out of you." He returned back to his spot in front of me, his cocky smirk never left his face. "And you will hand over every-" Griffin suddenly smashed a heavy ass box over his head, knocking him the fuck out. My mom turned to shoot him, but he grabbed her wrist in time to direct the bullet up to the roof of the basement. He kicked her stomach and slammed his elbow to her head, knocking her out as well.

"I can't believe those shitheads raised us." He growled and spat out some blood from his mouth near their bodies. I smirked at the double cross.

"You sly dog." I complimented and he did a joking bow before quickly unlocking the chains for me. I didn't hesitate to run up to Y/N and lift her into my arms. Griffin and I maneuvered our way through our parents mansion, man this place is huge.

We finally found a strange door. Glancing at each other with a look of reassurance, we kicked it open at the same time. My hand held Y/N's head up and an audible gasp left both of our lips at what we saw.

Billie Eilish was chained midair with duck tape restraining her ability to talk. Her eyes were a dark red with heavy black bags under them, her skin was pale, and she lost way too much weight.

"Billie?" Y/N's head lifted up. I felt my heart... drop.

Her and I | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now