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| Hailee's POV |
(not proofread)

"WHERE. THE. FUCK. DID. YOU. GO?!" My girlfriend continued her assault on Billie's arm — they were light punches but her emotions were through the roof.

Billie just looked at me with wide eyes, even though she's known her the longest, we both had no clue what to do. "Uh-" Billie started but shut her mouth as soon as Y/N gave her a harsh glare.

"How the fuck did you rise from the dead?!" It wasn't like Y/N wasn't happy, no, she missed Billie like fucking crazy. "How" was the question we were wondering. This whole situation felt like good cop, bad cop.

"Relax, damn." Billie finally pulled away from her. Another good look at her; she was thin, weak and pale. Her personality was still in tact but her dignity and humanity was slowly stripped away from her the moment they hung those shackles on her. "You would never believe me, but it was God. Literally, and yes I'm fucking crazy, but it was God!"

I believed her and I knew Y/N did too. We were just still in disbelief.

"I fucking missed you like hell." Y/N's voice reached a soft tone. Billie's tense figure relaxed as she pulled her best friend in for a long-awaited hug. "You have no idea."

"I have a good feeling." Billie mumbled out, her voice breaking ever so slightly. Billie wasn't one to cry, but reuniting with someone she hadn't seen in almost 6-7 months... well, that'll get you pretty emotional. "We still need to rescue Finneas and Claudia."

"Not rescue." I broke my long silence, their heads snapped towards me as I adjusted the gun holster around my belt. "They're with Swift. They definitely aren't in danger, but she'll want a pretty penny for them." I pulled open the doors of our walk-in closet and pulled out a mini safe I kept in there. I pulled out stacks and stacks of money.

"How much?" Billie asked a little nervously, biting her nails.

"I'm going to take a guess and say $100,000 per person." I estimated. Billie stood up, releasing the blanket from her body.

"Let's go get them then."

"No, you stay here." Y/N decided in a soft and low tone. Billie looked at her and opened her mouth to speak but my girlfriend spoke first. "You're too weak, Bil. I can't risk you being hurt more than you already are. Please, just stay with Griffin. Take a bath, relax, eat as much food as you want. Please."

At this point, Y/N was just begging for the safety of Billie. I, too, was scared something might happen to her again. Billie glanced at me — I gave her a reassuring nod and she sighed reluctantly — she plopped back down on the bed.

"I'll stay." Her voice came out slightly muffled since she was hugging a stuffed panda to death in her arms. Y/N smiled victoriously and kissed Billie's forehead in a sisterly manner.

"We'll be back with Finn and Claudia. I pinky promise that." The two best friends hooked their pinkies together before Y/N was dragging me out the door.


Approaching the Swift mansion, I inhaled slowly. Of course Taylor was a good friend of mine, but money was something she needed and desired. Even if she let us take Finneas and Claudia back for free, I probably would still give her some of the money in the suitcase that's cuffed to my wrist.

Y/N's hand shook slightly in mine, I pressed a reassuring kiss to her forehead. "Everything will okay, love. You've met her before, don't worry." I whispered soothingly in her ear and soon enough, she relaxed.

We walked through the giant, steel doors that were designed with cobra snakes on the front. "Hailee Steinfeld." I looked up above at the railing with Y/N to see the one and only, Taylor motherfucking Swift standing there. "Good to see ya, bitch."

I chuckled and kept my hand in Y/N's as the bodyguards guided us up to where Taylor was. As soon as we reached the area, the blonde greeted me with a side hug and a kiss to the knuckles of Y/N's free hand. "You remember Y/N, right?"

"I didn't forget this beautiful girl you scored." She chuckled when Y/N blushed from the attention. I smiled myself. "Speaking of... I heard you're pregnant."

I gasped lightly, I love bragging about our twins. "We're having twins." I said a little excitedly which caused Y/N to giggle a little and squeeze my hand.

"Oh my goodness, congrats, you two!" Taylor applauded us genuinely. "Now, I believe you came here in a business manner." The blonde glanced mischievously at the brief case cuffed to my wrist.

My smile slowly faded and my business face was put on as my back straightened. "Yes, we have a few things to discuss."

"Follow me then." Taylor winked and with a small wag of her finger, we were led over to her massive dining hall.

Her and I | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now