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| Hailee's POV |
(not proofread)

I feel like I'm walking on egg shells.

Let me explain. Y/N is approaching 8 months of pregnancy pretty quickly — these months have flown by fast. And one thing that I've noticed is her mood swings.

"Babe." I heard my girlfriend call for me from the bedroom. Shutting my computer, I stood up and leaned against the doorframe, my glasses being held in my hand.

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm craving something." Y/N pouts adorably at me.

I chuckled slightly while folding my glasses, setting them on the dresser. "Oh yeah? What're you craving, baby?"

"Pickles. Chocolate. Waffles. Ice cream." Y/N began listing the numerous things that she would like to eat. "I'm sorry, is that too much? I know I'm getting fat."

"Baby, you aren't getting fat." I was quick to reassure and sit beside her on our bed, holding her hands in mine. "You're carrying our baby, eat as much food as you want for the both of you. No one is judging one bit."

"Well, thank you, Haizy, but I'm not hungry anymore." She cutely giggles and pulls herself up to rest in my lap. I shake my head with a confused smile at her sudden change, but I held her anyway, letting her attack my faces with kisses.

It's been on and off for several weeks now. I know it's like a normal thing for a pregnant woman, but I'm still genuinely confused about the sudden change of mind.

One time she asked me for a McDonald's Big Mac and when I came back with it, she didn't want it anymore and just munched on the fries. The burger didn't go to waste, by the way, I ate that because why not? I love burgers.

"Your wife wants you." Billie pops on the room wearing a maid outfit. I blushed at her calling Y/N 'my wife' but raised a brow at her new look. "What? I started talking to someone..."

"And that requires you to wear a maid outfit?" I smirked while Billie's face flushed with red.

"Yeah, this girl is into stuff like that." Billie waved her hand around excessively. "Don't question my love life, just get to your wife before she screams my head off."

"Roger that." I stood up and slightly shoved Billie with my shoulder, smiling at her over my shoulder while she playfully scoffed dramatically.

I turned the corner of the hall to our bedroom. There I see my girlfriend sitting on the edge of the bed, an uncontrollable amount of frustrated groans leaving her lips.

"What's up, honey?" I approached her and when she lifted her head up to look at me, my heart broke in half. My poor girl's face was stained with tears, small sniffles from her nose, and a huge frown settled on her face. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

"No." Y/N's voice cracked as she made grabby hands, reaching out for me which caused me to quickly crouch down before her, allowing her to hold onto my biceps. "I can't put my shoes on."

She looked like she might cry. Again.

I cupped her face and kissed her forehead, then cheeks, then nose, and finally lips. "It's okay, my love, I can do it for you." I reached down and delicately slid her tennis shoes on her feet, retying the laces since they were uneven and I knew Y/N would throw a fit if it wasn't perfect looking. "There you go."

"Why can't I do it myself?" Y/N looked up at me with doe eyes, my heart breaking even more if it was possible.

"I think it's because of this little princess." I rested my hands on Y/N's stomach, rubbing it lightly while placing a kiss to her lips. "I get that you can't do much like you could before because of this, but you're bringing our baby girl into the world."

"Do you still love me?"

I tilted my head and shook my head. "Of course I still love you, baby. If I didn't, I'd take this off and bleed out." I joked lightly while reaching for the necklace she gave me, pulling it from under my shirt to make it visible to her.

"Really?" Y/N let out a small giggle, rubbing my chest while examining the necklace.

"Mhm." I nodded with a casual hum. "I love you more than anything in the universe. Nothing, or no one, could ever take your place."

"Thank you, Haiz." Y/N pulls my up a little to kiss my lips again, only this time it was a longer kiss filled with so much love and sweetness. It's like I fell for her all over again.

"Never thank me for simply loving an amazing woman like you." I smirked up at her when she blushed a bright red. I got back down on my knees in front of her, lifting her shirt up slightly to place soft kisses up her belly. "I promise to always take care of you with my life." I whispered to our baby inside before glancing up at Y/N. "The both of you."

Her and I | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now