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| Hailee's POV |
13 years ago...

I wandered through the halls of my family's mansion, something they had earned with the money from the mafia. As a curious 13 year old, I always wondered what it was like to be apart of the mafia, let alone lead it.

It's always been a dream of mine. I wished to follow in my parents footsteps, something they also wanted for me, but most of the time, they had an odd way of showing that they loved me. They favored Griffin more, considering he was the oldest and most mature of the both of us, dad was most likely to pass the business on to him. Even though I was the one who showed the most interest into it.

I approached the kitchen table, watching my mother prepare dinner for my family and my father's business clients. "Mom?" I ask, catching her attention as she spares me a single glance, nodding to signal me to continue my question. "How can I prove to dad that I deserve to take over the business more than Griffin does?"

My mom let out a sigh. "Hailee, we've talked about this."

"I know! But Griffin doesn't even like the mafia, he's more interested in being a mechanic!" I argue, throwing my hands up in the air. My mom turned to me, her hands on her hips with a stern expression on her face.

"That doesn't matter. He's running the business whether he likes it or not." She pointed at me knowingly. "Besides, your father has never once considered you of all people to run the business, so why start now?"

I frowned, remaining quiet as I disappear from the room, ignoring my mother's calls for me as I make my way to my bedroom. I sit on my bed, pondering on about my mom's words. All of a sudden, my door is thrown open, revealing my dad with an angry glare on his face.

"So, what? You tried sweet talking your mom into getting me to hand the business over to you and then you just ignore her like that?" He growled, slamming my door shut as I flinched, standing up and slowly backing away from him. "You don't get to decide what you do in this household, Hailee! Your future is already planned for you, you don't get to choose, you fucking imbecile." He cursed, landing a loud smack on my cheek before shoving me against the wall. He stared at me one last time, steam practically fuming out of his ears as he left my bedroom.

I held the cheek he smacked, collapsing against the wall as I slide down to the ground, hugging my knees to my chest as I let out soft, painful sobs. I could hear footsteps entering my bedroom again, and a strong pair of arms wrapping around my body, hugging me tightly. My parents never showed this affection, so I already knew it was Griffin.

He hugged me tight, whispering assuring things in my ear to make me feel better, while rubbing my back.

13 years later...

I vowed from that day on to never let someone hurt me like my parents could. I never shedded a tear since then and I've never experienced such soft touch since my brother hugged me in those painful moments.

But as soon as Y/N touched me the way she did, I felt... free. I felt like I could surrender myself to her completely, not having to worry about any pain that she could inflict on me.

The only thing is that the night that I choked her, was the night that scared me. I was reminded of how much alike I was to my father that night. And that hurt like hell. That was my worst nightmare.

Griffin knew that. Ever since I was able to escape my parents, he's been by my side. He did join the mafia, that same business I formed myself in a matter of 5 years when it took my parents 10 years to build theirs up. He wasn't a boss like me, nor my right hand man, but he was a mechanic like he dreamed of being. He's designed so many cool vehicles for me, I couldn't be more grateful for him.

But I also knew that since I showed a small amount of vulnerability to Y/N, she will expect an explanation from me. Including for my sudden apology for me putting my hands on her. I did that for one of two reasons;

One: I didn't want to be my dad. Never. I swore to never be as violent and abusive as he was.

And two: There was something different about this girl. I don't know if it was her alluring brown eyes that drew me in, or her silky hair that was so smooth, or the way she felt during sex, or just how stunning she looked in general. Clothes or no clothes.

Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... I've always felt something special since the moment I heard of her. And seeing her in person for the first time two weeks ago, it was as if my hopes and wishes for someone like her to come along into my life, were finally answered.

Thank you, Billie, for telling me all about this beautiful girl.

Her and I | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now