Unexpected •

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I'm so nervous....

I've been nervous the enire car ride.

"Babe, you look so beautiful tonight"

"Yea, you're the luckiest guy in the world"

I jokingly said that but god knows I could barely breathe right now.

As we pulled up outside, he tightly grabbed my left thigh and kissed me on my cheek.

His simple gestures as such cheered me up instantly.

He got out to go and open the car door for me.

I am now 19 and here I am, having probably the greatest party ever.

I've never been surrounded by so much luxury in my life!

Once more my nerves started to kick back in again.

He opened the door, took my hand and escorted me out. It was so beautiful outside, my heart was racing just imagining the beauty inside.

As we walked to the door, he pushed it open and I was speechless. Everyone was starring at us. I spotted Salida in the corner of my eye and her mouth was wide open.

I even spotted Mike...He was looking at me like I was the only girl left on the planet. The same look Calvin gives to me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush at the thought.

As we continued our way in, there was a guy announcing our arrival. Everyone started to clap at the announcement.

"Let the party begin" Said the Dj.

The lights dimmed a little and my dress was shining, it illuminated practically the whole room.

"Shall we dance?"

"Why yes"

"I bet everyone can't keep their wyes off you"

"I only got my eyes on you so I wouldn't know"

"You truly are the woman of my dreams, Soleil"

"And you, the man of mines"

Though the room was filled with people, I felt as though we werethe only ones inside.

After a while of dancing, Salida came over to speak to me and Calvin went to greet a few people.

"Oh my god Soleil! Girl, you are stunning! I'm so jealous, does he have a brother because I want one."

"Thank you and sadly he doesn't, we could of double date"

"Damn, girl, you're so lucky! How have you bern since the last time?"

"Great, as you can see"

While talking to Salida, I noticed Mike was getting closer and closer. So close the he interrupted us.

"Excuse me miss, may I have a word with Soleil?"

"Oh, sure, I'll talk to you later boo"

Salida gave me the eyes and winked at me as she gave us some space.

"Hello Mike..."




Okay, what's his problem, he walks over here, interrupts my conversation and now he won't speak?


"No. Don't leave, can I talk to you somewhere private? Please."

Hmm I probably shouldn't have, I don't know why tonight he had this look in his eyes that I had never seen before. I accepted his request.

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