So I thought ●

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"Baby! Can you hear me? Stay with me" I repeat as my tears run uncontrollably down my face.

My voice is cracking as I force these words out of my mouth...

"Calvin baby, everything will be alright."

Trembling, I hold his fragile cold body against mines. I kiss his forehead, hopeing the little bit of warmth remaining in my lips would make a difference.

I heald him as tight as I possibly could in my arms, as a drop of blood running down my face falls onto his.

Why us? Why me? Why him?

Just when everything was going great..

Just when I thought I had it all...
What in the world just happened?
Everything is jumbled up in my head.

"Are you alright? Miss? Can you hear me" Says a faint voice I thought was coming from my head.

I gasped for air as I regained a little more consciousness. Everything is blurred. Everything is so slowed, my body seems to not want to respond to me.

I hear a loud knocking in my right ear. I turned my head as much as I could of to try to catch a glimpse of what's going on.  Suddenly I feel these warm hands pulling my body away from Calvin. My heart started beating out of control.

"W-who are you? W-what are you doing" I said panicking at this strange person.

"Calm down miss, your car crashed, we need to get you out, I think the car's gonna catch fire. Please, calm down!"

Car accident? Huh? What?

"Please, is my hus-I mean is my boyfriend okay?"

I started hyperventilating to the thought of my baby being de. .dead.

I gulped.

My eyes were like The Niagara Falls, I couldn't stop the tears at all.

"No, no, no, no, no! Leave me, go help him, save him! Please!" I beg the strange man desperately as I cried in fear.

"Yes miss."

The strange man lays me down gently on the cold concrete floor beside a tall tree stump.
I lift my head to see what was going on.

I see the strange man, taking my baby out of the car. Only one thought resonates in my mind.

Save my baby.

As I forced with all my might for my eyes to stay opened, they began to feel heavy and were slowly closing on me.

"What's your name? Is he alri-"

"I...I don't know miss...but help is on the way! Oh, my name is John Wayne. Hey! Stay with me! Miss...Miss!?"



I took an enormous breath of air.
My eyes weren't as heavy as they were before. From a small visible opening of eyes, all I saw was white.

I couldn't move an inch of my body, yet somehow seem to be moving.

" I dead?" I whispered calmly to myself.

"No, you're alright, you're in the hospital." Said a faint female voice.

"Hospital? Calvin?" Only these two words were able to leave my mouth

"He's the Emergency room." Were the only thing I could make out from the faint female voice.

My vision started to slowly come back to me. All I could make out were the repeated passing of the ceiling light and a few heads..

"Car accident huh?" I said to myself as a tear ran down my right eye.

My eyes once again started to become heavy again. This time, I didn't fight it, I just let them close..


I feel a hard tug on my shoulder.
The bright lights made me squint my eyes as I opened them.

I looked around and I was tucked in tightly in a hospital room. Directly starring in my face, a young female nurse.

"You're awake! Finally!" She says with a great amount of relief.

My head is pounding but with all the drugs they got me hooked on, I feel no pain. Except the pain in my heart as I looked down at the beautiful ring Calvin gave to me.

A promise, I will hold 5oy heart forever.

"And Calvin?" I whispered softly to the nurse.

"Well....there's good news and bad news" she says nervously, scratching the back of her head as she speaks.

Good news and bad news!?
Just my luck.

"Good news, please...I need it."

"He's awake and he's also fine." She says as she continues to scratch the back of her head.

She leans in closer to me, grabs my left hand with my ring and started to caress it.

"I'm so sorry, it's times like this where I hate my job" she says with the saddest tone of voice.

"Wh-what's the bad news!?" I responded panicking.

"I'm afraid....I'm afraid Mr. Rodriguez will have no memory of you..."

"WHAT!?" I shouted at her.

"Mr. Rodriguez now has retrograde's all gone."

I slapped my hands over my mouth trying to process the information I just heard.

"Please let me see him...please...I beg of you." I desperately said to the nurse as my eyes began to tear up once more.


She left the room and came back with a wheelchair and two other nurses who aid me in the chair.

She wiped the tears from my eyes with her two thumbs as she wheeled me to the room next door where they kept Calvin.

There he was awake, staring at the ceiling,looking peaceful as ever.

The nurse wheeled me right beside his bed.

"I'll give you two some privacy" she says calmingly as she stepped outside.

"Calvin,'s me."

"Hello, who are you?" He says with a small smile on his face.

"It's me Soleil...don't you know who i am?"

"Nice to meet you but no, sorry, I don't."

This can't be real....can it?

My heart began to beat out of control...

The love of my life has no idea who I am? I pinch myself but this nightmare that I am having seems to be my new reality..

I feel my consciousness fading away.

"Nurse, the patient you brought in has fainted!"

"Oh my! I 'll deal with her, please get some rest Mr. Rodriguez."

"Who was she?"

Who am I ?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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