Chapter 2

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 They finally pulled away from the hug. Seungmin looking down avoiding any eye contact with his friends. Hiding his red, probably puffy eyes. He never showed his true emotions to anyone.  He was scared of being judged. He was scared of people asking for reasons. He didn't grow up in the most loving household. He was judged for everything he done, every decision he made. He really appreciated his best friends but from the trauma he had growing up he still couldn't open up properly. 

Hyunjin introduced Jisung to the rest of his friends. He was shy at first speaking quietly and barely making any eye contact. But, by the half of their break, he was himself. Acting like he only acted around his best friends. For some reason this group felt so right to him. It was like they known each other their whole lives. They were sweet and nice to him. They didn't make him feel  uncomfortable or left out. They joked and laughed and had a fun time. Jisung felt happy again. A feeling he had not felt since he left his friends.

 Felix was his favourite from the new friend group, he was like a ray of sunshine. Pouring happiness onto everyonewith his beautiful smile and freckles that looked like a constellation of stars.(a/n: The moment I saw this I cried. I'm not even joking. Comparing his freckles with stars is the most beautiful thing ever!). He was the first one to actually approach Jisung. He started updating him with all the gossip. Soon enough Hyunjin joined them. Jisung tried to hold in his laugh. The second Hyunjin came, jisung saw how he was looking at Felix. He knew Hyunjin liked the boy. It wasn't  extremely obvious but after all, Jisung and him knew each other for years. 

Hyunjin looked at Jisung and saw it in his eyes. He smiled to himself knowing his friend knew. They had been separated for so long but the silent unnoticeable communication was still there. "Minho why are you just standing there come here" Hyunjin said making Minho move from where he had been standing for the past half an hour. 

He sat next to Hyunjin facing Jisung. Ji looked away pretending to look for something. Looking everywhere but at the person infront of him. Even though he was looking around, Jisung felt like he could feel Minho's beautiful, dark, mysterious eyes burning into his soul. He tried ignoring it. 

"So Ji," Hyunjin started "What do you think about joining the dance class that me and Minho are in? You don't have to worry about a teacher either. We have our talented Mr. Lee here." He said pointing to Minho. "Ohh, yes I've watched them a couple of times. Minho is a really patient person. And have you ever seen Hyunjin dance? His dance moves are so elegant and beautiful." Felix said, making Hyunjin go redder than a strawberry. 

Both Minho and Jisung noticed. Smiling at their flustered friend and the fact that Felix was so oblivious. They both made eye contact still smirking. Minho felt his heart beater faster which was unusual. But Jisung's smile made him feel like melting. His gummy, heart shaped smile was adorable. Jisung on the other side felt blessed. He just knew this side of Minho wouldn't be seen very often, so he stared as much as possible not even caring what Minho thought. It felt like time stopped. (a/n: sorry to disturb but i wanted to point out something. If you look very closely at Jisung's eyes in your imagination you can see hearts popping out. LMAO sorry I had to).

Jisung saw Hyunjin staring at him with the corner of his eye making him snap out. Followed by Minho, which in a blink of an eye went from slightly smiling to an expressionless face. Felix was also staring at them. Pursing his lips to hold in a smile.

 "So...." Hyun looked at jisung. "How do you feel about joining?" He thought for a bit. I like dance but just looking, I'm terrible at actually dancing." He finally replied. "None of us were good at the start. It takes time and practice." Minho said shocking the other boys slightly. Those were the first words he ever said since their lunch break started. 

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