Chapter 5 - Flashbacks

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A/N: If you are uncomfortable with any of the following, mentioned topics or they are triggering, please don't read. You're mental health goes first!

Remember you are so strong! Well done! I'm proud of you!
(Short chapter BTW)

⚠T/W: SA,SH⚠
This chapter is fairly short cuz it's a Flashback bare with me. <3


High school (Half a year before Jisung left)

"And then he told me that I! Wasn't putting enough effort" Hyunjin complained. I worked on that project this whole week. And he dares to say that?!

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. Walking with Jisung next to him in the school hall.

"Are you even listening?" Hyunjin said when he noticed Jisung paying no attention.

Jisung was zoned out not having space for any other thoughts other the ones that consumed him.

"Earth to Jisung" Hyunjin called out.

"Oh yeah.. Sorry." Jisung said embarrassed shaking out of his thoughts.

"Ji, is something wrong? Ever since you got distracted in class, you don't seem yourself. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Seriously."

"I know it's not really my place to ask but. What did that notification say? Is it because of that?" Hyunjin asked, quite worried. Jisung's phone went of in class quietly and Hyunjin noticed his friend's face change slightly but decided it wasn't his place to ask.

"No no don't worry." Jisung said, trying his best to look like he was okay. The opposite of the truth.

They came out of the building. Getting ready to go home. They waited for the other two. When Jeongin and Seungmin finally came they all started walking towards the gate.

"Oh yeah.... I forgot. I have to got talk to one of my teachers. You guys can go I'll go home by myself after." Han informed them.

"Are you sure you don't want us to wait?" Jeongin asked.

"I'm sure, don't worry." Jisung reassured, smiling softly.

They separated ways and Jisung went tovthe bathroom first. He sat on the toilet lid thinking of his next choice carefully.

The text he got earlier scared him. He knew he should've told his friends but he didn't want to worry them.


Unknown number
** *** **** **


Make sure to be in the school bathroom after school.

If you don't come I'll make sure to hurt you and your friends really badly.

Think wisely Han Jisung


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