Chapter 13

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still jisung's pov

"do you know how hard it was for me to control myself when I heard the moans that you were letting out. Moaning my name so needily." I moaned at how he was talking and because of the embarrassment. I instantly covered my mouth but Minho pulled my hands away.

" Oh so now you're shy?" he asked with a smirk. But his eyes were filled with lust.

It looked like he suddenly snapped out of the trance he was in because his face immediately changed. 

He puled away and looked into my eyes worried. "jisung, you've been through a lot. Do you want this now? I promise i'll wait for you."

My heart completely melted. i didn't know how it felt to be asked and not forced into something. My heart fluttered as i looked into his eyes and i honestly answered:

3rd pov

"I trust you Minho i trust you with my whole heart. I've actually been doing so much better. Today for example I've had my first sexual dream that didn't have anything to do with him. And that is thanks to your existence in my life." Minho smiled at Jisung's reply.

~actual Smut starts here (t\w scars are mentioned) ~

Before Minho could say anything he felt himself get pulled forward again. And instantly felt a pair of smooth plump lips on his. He kissed the boy under him, back.

Minho gently pushed Jisung from leaning on his elbows to fully laid down.

Minho's lips travelled down the younger's jaw then to his neck.

As his lips touched Jisung's neck the boy under him slightly shuddered. So Minho's kisses got deeper. Jisung closed his eyes from how perfect it felt. He let out a soft moan when Minho found his sweet spot. Pushing the older to suck on the same spot.

Jisung's hand found the back of Minho's hair, gripping it firmly. Minho groaned lowly at the feeling.

Minho tugged at Jisung's shirt looking at the other boy for approval.

Jisung just nodded not being able to from any words. Minho took of the smaller boy's shirt and stared shamelessly at Jisung's perfect body. His broad shoulders in contrast to his slim small waist were a perfect match.

"perfect" he whispered out.

Jisung blushed at Minho's intense stare. He looked away making the older chuckle.

Minho then proceeded in taking his own shirt of with one hand. Jisung took all of him in. Finally being able to stare at the beauty and perfection in front of him, without being embarrassed.

Minho leaned down and kissed down Jisung's chest leaving a tiny trail of hickeys. His hand on one side of Jisung's waist while the other was supporting him.

He kissed lower and lower until he reached to the waistband of Jisung's pants.

He looked up again seeing if the younger was okay with continuing.

Jisung propped himself on his elbows looking down at the elder. He nodded and felt Minho take of his pants leaving him in his boxers.

Minho stopped for a bit noticing Jisung's scars. Jisung panicked and wanted to cover them up but he was stopped by some kisses on his thighs. Minho gently kissed on all of the younger's scars. He looked up at Jisung with pure love in his eyes.

He leaned up and pecked Jisung's lips.

He looked down at his thighs and caressed the skin. "beautiful" he said smiling genuinely.

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