Chapter 9

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⚠(T/W: angst, flashbacks, slight SA?)⚠

(a/n: sorry there are so many t/w's and so much angst. I promise you it will get better!!! we have to get the sad and angsty things out of the way first. trust the process)

(a/n: You are soooo strong!! I love you <333)

Jisung's pov(I apologize again!!!)

I backed up slowly trying not to make a noise but hit my back on  the door making me wince in pain.The boy in front of me turned around.

It's him.


He saw me. I hoped he didn't recognise me. He didn't at first but the way the look in his eyes changed after a while, proved to me that he knew.

His lips turned into a sick smirk. He slowly approached me. 

I got Deja Vu. It was in a bathroom last time as well. He had the same look on his face. The only difference is that his friend's weren't there with him this time.

"Well, well, well. who do we have here." Sangwon said in a disgusting way making me want to throw up, but all i could do is stare in shock and scared of what will happen. I start shuddering, shuffling back trying to move as away as him as i could. But my back hit the wall. Making me cry louder. It was exactly the same as last time. I'm going through everything once again.

"Did you miss me Sungie?" he said walking closer to me.

I shake my head. 

"L-leav-e m-me alon-e" I say , between cries and sniffles.

"You didn't miss me?" He said in an obviously amused tone. He found all of this funny, exactly in the same way as the first time. "You didn't even say goodbye to me before you left" He fakely pouted.

"It's okay we found eachother again" He put his finger on my chin making me look up. But i refused to open my eyes.

I waited for the right moment and i suddenly stood up and tried running away.

But he was taller,broader and stronger than me. He pulled me back to him. Pushing me back to the floor where i was before.

"That's not the right way to treat me is it? You need to be respectful, not run away from me."

He pinned my wrists down so I wouldn't be able to run and traced his hands around my waist and stomach.

"Aww did you miss my touch, slut?" At this point I felt like i was on the verge of fainting. I couldn't do it anymore. It was terrible and scarring enough the first time. If it happened again i would loose my mind. But i had no power or energy to move.

Minho's pov 

Jisung was taking a while, and I also neede to use the bathroom, so I went. I opened the door and my blood boiled immediately. Jisung was on the floor crying, on the verge of passing out, while another guy was touching him up, clearly without consent.

He tried to take Jisung's shirt of but before he could I pulled him back with my whole strength, pushing him to hit the floor hard.

"What the fuck?" He screamed in pain. This wasn't even part of the pain I was going to give him.

Jisung opened his eyes. I saw the relief hit him as another round of tears streamed down his cheeks.

I went back to the guy. I punched him hard. His face already bleeding from the first punch. I hit him continuously letting all my anger out. He was slightly more forceful than me and somehow managed to push me back. He punched me making my lip bleed. But  that was all he got. I used all my force and punched and kicked him with all my power. 

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