Chapter 14

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T/W: slight homophobia

There was a small knock on Minsung's door.

Minho woke up and slowly got up to open the door trying his best to not wake his baby up.

A sleepy minho with his eyes half closed and messy bed hair opened the door to see hyunjin and felix holding hands.

"yes?" Minho said in a deep sleepy voice that scared even felix.

"get ready for dinner lovebirds" hyunjin said smirking at the hickeys on Minho's neck.

"We'll be down in a bit" Minho nodded closing the door.

He went to his peacefully sleeping boyfriend and sat next to him on the edge of the bed. He brought up his hand to pet Jisung's hair. He kissed the younger's forehead and whispered in his ear.

"Sungie baby we need to get up."

The squirrel like boy slowly opened his eyes. Rubbing them while slowly sitting up. His cheeks were puffed and his hair messy.

Minho stared adoringly at his boyfriend pulling him into his chest.

"Let's go shower okay? Then we have to go down to dinner." Minho pecked his forehead one more time and got up extending his hand for Jisung to hold it.

Jisung got up and hissed at the pain in his lower back.

Minho tried to hold in a smirk. Jisung saw him and whined while lightly slapping Minho's arm.

"did I go too hard on my baby?" Minho smiled mischievously.

Jisung put his head in the crook of Minho's neck, embarrassed.

~time skip - dinner~

Minsung arrived downstairs and found their friends. They listened to the teacher whole eating.

"tomorrow we are going to the beach." everyone cheered.

"pack some clothes, sun cream, water and towel. Even some extra clothes. It's better if you bring some shorts or skirts because it will be very hot."

"i don't have any shorts" jisung whispered to felix.

Felix thought for a bit and suddenly his eyes went wide and he got excited.

"Wear the skirt!!!" he whispered shouted only for jisung to hear.

"But what will people think?" jisung said quited scared.

"Don't care about what they say and we can be matching I'll wear mine aswell we can be matching." felux said excitedly.

"Ok fine." Jisung smiled brightly excited and also filled with sudden adrenaline.

"Yayyy I'll come to your dorm right after after this" felix said.

~time skip~

Back at the dorm felix and Jisung found the outfits they wanted.

They had matching outfits:
(reference photo but the colours are different and the crop top is slightly longer)

They had matching outfits:(reference photo but the colours are different and the crop top is slightly longer)

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