Chapter 6

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-1 month later-


Minho started hanging out with the friend group more. He was extra careful with Jisung. After witnessing Jisung's vulnerable side, he felt the need to protect the younger. At this point, both of them were quite comfortable around each other.

Minho's pov

This morning I bought a chocolate milkshake and a slice of cheesecake for Jisung.

His favourites

I always tried to keep in mind all his likes and dislikes. All the little details about him that he told me. Things he probably thinks I don't pay attention to.

I think I'm falling in love?

All the small moments we had in the past month were enough to make my heart flutter. Like when we stayed after school to practice our dance project together. Our hands would accidently touch, and even if I played it off, in the inside I was dying. Wanting more. 

It was such a weird emotion. No matter how much i always tried to deny my feelings, I would always find myself admiring him.

He has me in a trance.

Every time he gets excited, his Boba like, doe eyes, sparkle brighter than any star I have ever seen. His flawless lips turn into a beautiful heart-shaped smile, whenever he laughs or is happy. Every time he eats, he fills his cheeks just like a cute squirrel, always making me laugh at how amusingly adorable he looks. His body is perfect. He has a die-for waist.(a/n: The jaist) his legs reminding me of an anime girl. He is too good to be true. (a/n: I agree)

At this point, after a month, we were quite comfortable with one another, like we have known each other our whole life. When we hangout, personal space doesn't exist between us.

But he does that with all of the boys. He is equally as touchy and playfully flirty with them as he is with me. He's always making everyone laugh at his silliness.

I know it wasn't supposed to affect me, but every time he gets too close to someone I feel jealousy take over. I don't make it obvious but it hurts.

However, Hyunjin and Bangchan always point out that Jisung acts differently around me. "He gets more flustered than usual around you" they'd say.

Truthfully, he is quite flustered around me but he is usually flustered most of the time.

Whenever I would get my hopes high by these type of comments or actions, something would happen to prove me otherwise. Like the universe was telling me to stop being delusional.

Or maybe testing me?

For example this morning:

I was on my way to Jisung. The bag in my hand filled with his favourite things and some for me.

I walked in the cafeteria going to the place me and him usually meet and hang out. I looked to see if he was there.

He was. But accompanied by Seungmin.

They were sitting too close for my liking. Their knees touching. They were laughing and talking. Having a good time.

Seungmin reached his hand to tuck Jisung's hair behind his ear.

My heart stopped.

My eyes subconsciously strayed to fill with tears, threatening to fall.

Why was I so hurt?

I barely know him.

I need to stop imagining things.

It's obvious who he actually likes.

MINSUNG - My heart is yoursWhere stories live. Discover now