Chapter 12

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~Next day~

They went to the museum the next day. They were all really fascinated by the art around them. They walked with their tour guide which explained the history of some of the art pieces. Even though it sounds boring it was actually very entertaining.

At one point they let them walk around to look at the art by themselves.

Jisung was mesmerised by everything he saw. Gasping and 'wow'ing at everything he found interesting. On the other hand, Minho's concentration was fully on Jisung.

He noticed the way his eyes shined and widened. His gentle expression when he carefully traced his fingers on art.

Minho realized that he found his real soul mate and swore to himself that whatever happens he won't stop loving Jisung. Even if they unfortunately get torn apart he would never love someone else. No one could be like Jisung, therefore he wouldn't love anyone like he loves Jisung.

Jisung's pov

I was to busy admiring the art, when I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned around to see my beautiful boyfriend staring at me, like I was the most precious person in this world.

I blushed, looking away from his intense gaze. He came up behind  me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He layed his chin on my shoulder. I turned my face to look at him and got startled by the closeness of our faces. He pecked my lips quickly making me giggle. At the same time we both leaned in and connected our lips into a perfect slow kiss.

But it got deeper and hungrier by second. I turned around so that it would be more comfortable and put my hands on his shoulders for support.

"Ahemmm... " we heard someone clear their voice behind us.

"Sorry to interrupt but when you are done, head over to the bus we are leaving soon." Chan said with a hint of tease and amusement in his tone." Or maybe you want to-"

"We're coming now" Minho quickly said before Chan could say anything else.

After Chan left we both burst into laughter. We held each other's hand and left to go to the bus. 

~time skip~

We at lunch as it was still only about 2am and all the students left to their dorms to rest. 

I cuddled up with Minho and we both drifted of to sleep. Or better said drifted into a very interesting place.



He thrusted in me at an imposible speed. My legs shaking. My eyes rolling back. Tears of pleasure continuously falling down my cheeks.

"mhm M-minho im so close-" I moaned out shamelessly.

"han" "Sungie baby wake up"

I woke up and saw Minho looking at me confused and worried?

"Are you okay my love? You are sweaty and you were moving around alot in your sleep" he said truly worried and completely oblivious of the dream i just had.

"I'm fine don't worry" I say covering my hard-on.

He thankfully still didn't realise. He started caressing my head and pecked my lips.

"What time is it?" I manage to say. I wanted to distract my dirty thoughts.

"It's 4 we still have time until dinner. Do you want to do anything?"

"Can we watch a movie? I'm to lazy to get up and do something else" I giggled. He chuckled on reply and agreed.

He grabbed his phone and put Netflix on. We mutually agreed on watching 'wish you'. (This was the first Bl I ever watched. It was so sweet.)

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