Chapter 16

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They finally arrived back at the dorms.

Jisung remembered that tomorrow they're leaving so the first thing he done was to start packing up. He didn't even change out of the skirt. He felt comfortable and happy in it.

Minho arrived about 3mins later. He closed the door and just stood there at the door. Staring at the younger in disbelief.

'After all the teasing he done today. He's just gonna act like nothing happened?' minho thought to himself.

Mind you, minho still had a quite obvious hard on. He couldn't stop thinking about jisung in all ways possible.

He went up to jisung and sat down next to him on the floor.

Jisung flinched slightly not hearing the elder coming in.

"Hey hyung" Jisung said while displaying a very bright inoccent smile. He wanted to test how much minho could resist. He wanted to pretend that he didn't realize what he done to the elder the whole day.

So he just went back to packing up.

He saw Minho also start packing up.

'I'll get this out of the way then I can deal with him' minho thought while smirking at all the things he wanted to do to jisung.

They both finished extremely quickly like they were rushing to get something else done.

Jisung leaned back on his arms and huffed after all the packing he done. He momentarily forgot about minho.

But got reminded again when a pair of strong arms pulled him by his waist to straddle minho.

He slightly yelped but then blushed at how lustful minho's gaze was.

He set himself down properly to be greeted with a still very hard Minho.

'how has he been hard all this time?' jisung thought in disbelief that minho had that much self control.

"aww suddenly shy are we?" Minho said teasingly as he tucked a piece of hair behind jisung's ear.

"Come on baby are you not teasing me anymore?" Minho smirked.

"Shut up" jisung quietly said, embarrassed.

"A very pretty skirt you have here." Minho said while rubbing jisung's thigh dangerously close to the short skirt.

"Maybe if you wouldn't have put your pretty ass in display, today, maybe you could have had a very good nap right now." Minho travelled up with his hand until he got under the skirt.

All jisung could do was whimper under his touch. Wanting more but he didn't dare move.

Minho smirked at the tent that was forming underneath the skirt.

"So tell me now. Are you gonna be a good boy for me? Are you gonna let me fuck that tight pretty hole of yours?"(sorry)

Jisung nodded his head eagerly.

"Words baby." Minho caressed jisung's blushed cheeks with his thumb."I don't want to force you into anything and make you uncomfortable"Minho said with sincerity in his voice.

Jisung melted.

"Yes please do anything you want to me."he said.

"Okay then we'll test some things today. Is that okay with you? It's not anything extreme don't worry." Minho softly spoke slowly raising his had higher on jisung's thigh.

"Okay hyung" jisung felt minho twitch under him.

"Good boy." now it was jisung's turn to feel his dick fully harden, untouched.

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