Chapter 10

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Jisung's pov

"Did you miss me Sungie?"

He put his hands on my shirt to lift it up-

I gasped and my eyes opened wide. i was still in the bus.

It happened again

It nearly happened again

This time I had Minho by my side. I don't know if I could have lived with it happening again.


I was on the floor. His hands all over me. I got painful Deja vu.

I closed my eyes tight, hoping that it was just another one of my nightmares. I suddenly felt his hands off of me.and right after i heard a crash. I slowly opened my eyes that were screwed shut. I saw Sangwon on the floor, groaning in pain. Standing right next to him was Minho.

My saviour

My angel

My soulmate

After Minho beat the jerk unconscious, he looked at me. The rage in his eyes instantly disappeared turning into a soft and loving expression. I used all the strength I had left and went to hug him. I hugged him as tight as I could, before everything started to turn black.


Now I got the same nightmare I got every night after the first time i was harrassed by that inhumane asshole. It was a nightmare that made me afraid to even close my eyes. Scared that he would come back. Now he triggered it again. 

"It's okay" I heard a voice say in the most loving, heartwarming and gentle way, possible.

I looked to my side and saw an angel in person. The most beautiful eyes I could ever see. Eyes that usually have such a cold aura to nearly everyone. They look like they have and unmeltable ice surfacing them, but actually have a warmth that could melt you with one gaze.

He smiled sweetly and pulled me into his embrace. Once again, making me forget about everything. Concentrating only on the hand that was rubbing my back, the warmth of his hug and the sudden short pecks on the top of my head.

No one's pov

They came to their last break before they would arrive at the location. Everyone went out again. Including the other six of their friend group. Letting Jisung rest and understanding the fact that he needed space.

Jisung looked at Minho and started saying something but hesitated and stopped. Minho saw and chuckled.

"Yes, Mr Han Jisung" He said in a playful voice making Jisung smile.

"It's just that, i need to stretch a little and get some air." He said in a quiet tone.

"Come on" Minho smiled brigthly, in a way to reassure Jisung that everything will be okay and he will be there for him. He took Jisung's hand and walked out of the bus with him.

Jisung's heart completely melted. 

After stretching a little they decided to go to their friends. they were all talking but suddenly stopped when they saw the two. 

"Are you okay sunshine? You don't have to talk about it but I hope you are better." Felix said very worried.

"I'm fine now. Minho was there at the right time. And I promise I'll tell you someday but I'm not ready now."Jisung explained.

"Thank you Minho for taking care of him." Hyunjin said smiling sympathetically.

They all talked about some random subjects until all the pairs (changchan, hyunlix, seungin, minsung) decided to split and take some time together until their break ended.

Minsung went back to holding hands and started walking aimlessly. They didn't care about anyone other than each other. 

"I don't deserve you" Jisung suddenly said, looking at Minho mesmerized.

"First of all, You deserve way more than me. You deserve the world and all the love. Second of all, I don't deserve you. You are so precious. So adorable. So sweet. You went through so much and I wish I was there from the beginning. If we truly deserve each other or not, doesn't matter. Now that we have each other we need to take care of what we have." Minho said sincerely. 

(a/n: stop! why are my own words so touching lmfao)

He looked at Jisung again and saw tears run down his cheeks. Minho stopped and had a worried look on his face. They stopped walking and Minho stood in front of Jisung, wiping the tears off the squirrel-like boy's face.

Jisung wrapped his hands around the elder's neck. Minho wrapped his arms instantly around Jisung's perfect thin waist. (a/n; the jaist deserves so much appreciation). 

"I love you" Jisung said with so much emotion making Minho's heart skip a beat.

"I love you too my baby quokka"

Jisung giggled and laughed wholeheartedly, blush invading his face and ears. They hugged for a while swinging from side to side.

"Jisung" Minho pulled away with a serious expression.

"I know we haven't known each other for a long time. But everything around me just disappears when I'm with you. I haven't had a life till the moment i met you. I finally feel like I'm living. I'm so happy with you. My heart and tummy do things that I have never felt with anyone other than you. I really truly love you so much in a way words can't describe.

I also know that it's not the best time to ask such a question but...

Will you Han Jisung, be my boyfriend?" (a/n: I literally giggled and smiled so hard wth) Minho said, saying the last bit faster like he was scared of the response.

Tears of happiness started to run down Jisung's cheeks. He smiled his beautiful heart shaped smile and started jumping up and down happily.

"Yes" Jisung squeaked jumping into Minho's embrace.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the best at words as you are but everything you just said is exactly how I feel when I am with you"

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me anything. Your actions are enough to prove to me that you love me."

They both looked into each others eyes. Smiling like two kids. (they are stray kids after all)

At the same time they both leaned in. Connecting the lips that wanted each other so bad. Connecting two bodies that have nothing without one another.



I smiled so much writing this wthhhhhh.


I should have ended it on a Cliffhanger but I wasn't bothered to write more.


Anyways I'm as depressed as ever but I'm really happy I have my laptop back, at least. I am so happy to be able to talk to my friends/readers again and write/publish and read fanfics.



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