Chapter 7

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⚠️T/W: slight angst, SH mentioned ⚠️

"he tucked Jisung's hair behind his ear.  They looked in each other's eyes so-"

"Shut up"Felix interrupted Minho which had red and slightly puffy eyes from crying. Everyone at the table flinched in suprise, they never saw Felix like that.

"Sorry i didn't mean to be so harsh" Felix said when he slightly calmed down. 

"At this point you are hallucinating. Jisung doesn't look at anyone, like he looks at you! I personally don't care how you think he looked at Seungmin. You don't have to be so upset at something, you don't knaur (Aussie accent ;)) truly happened. You can't just judge from what you see if you don't knau the context of it. Right now, your heart and feelings hurt. You are not  judging clearly at this moment. And I'm not blaming you. When we love someone or care about them we are overprotective and overthink about the smallest things. And I wouldn't be saying any of these things if i didn't knaur that Ji loves you." Everyone listened carefully nodding, knowing that Felix's words were true.

They all could see how the two would look at eachother. Everyone noticed except themselves.

"Please, at least try not overthink the situation. I know it's hard but I really don't want to see you hurt and upset." Felix said softly while standing up and giving Minho a hug.

"Thank you. You are right. I might just be overreacting. I really appreciate it though. I feel better now." Minho said sincerely. Trying to think positively. 


"Maybe he really wanted to hangout with you?" Seungmin asked.

"But he looked kinda sad even before. before i dragged you away. I feel bad that I left him but I was too flustered and wasn't thinking straight."

"Is that supposed to surprise me? " Seungmin teasingly said.

Jisung thought for a little ignoring Seungmin. Even though he only knew Minho for about a month, he already understood his reactions pretty well. He would know if something is off and he wouldn't give up untill he found out the reason.

"Oh my God. What if he saw what you did." He suddenly said.

"When I tucked your hair behind?" Seungmin asked. And Jisung nodded.

"Shit. That's also possible." Seungmin continued. "He might have gotten jealous that we were so close and probably took the wrong idea."

"I don't think jealous is the right word. He doesn't like me so why would he be."

Seungmin face palmed . "I'm so disappointed in you. Both you and Minho are so dumb and blind." He said shaking his head.

"Come on, let's go find him" he continued before Jisung could argue with him.

"Is it just me or?... " seungmin said before lowering his voice, "Did the Lee Minho cry?"

Han followed where Seungmin was looking and saw Minho. Even from far away you could see his eyes were slightly puffy. His heart broke.

He felt the guilt swallow him. He felt bad. He slowly felt himself panicking and tried to go away. The only thoughts that were going in his head were.

It's my fault.

Why did I do that?

Now Minho is upset because of me?

He won't even look at me.

He thought about one more thing

Blade, bathroom.

But before he could run away he got stopped my an arm. Seungmin.

"Don't even think about it! It's not your fault." The only person other person, other than Minho, that knew that Jisung self harmed, was Seungmin.

He spent a lot of time with him. He knew every time something was wrong. He caught Jisung self harming once.from then on he kept an eye on him. Untill he moved away. When Jisung did move away he was scared and extremely worried. He was worried that no one will be able to help him. To talk to him. To understand him. To talk him out of it.

"You got flustered and acted without thinking and he probably got the wrong idea. I know you can't tell him what we were actually doing but you can show him who you truly love through actions." He gently told Jisung.

They both looked at Minho. He was smiling a bit

"Okay" Jisung said, slowly approaching Minho.

He had a slightly cautious expression on his face. He was scared that Minho might push him away.

Everyone at the table noticed them. They all looked from Jisung to Minho and then back to Jisung. They were scared but curious of how things would go.

Minho smiled at Jisung, seeing how cautious and bad he felt. 

When Jisung saw that he smiled at him he sighed in relief and went to Minho. He hugged a sitting Minho. Minho honestly didn't expect Jisung to hug him. They stayed like that for a while  until  Minho heard Jisung sniffling. He gently pulled away. He looked softly at a crying Jisung. He smiled at the boy above him and wiped his tears away with his thumb. 

Jisung started crying even more when he saw how gentle and soft Minho was

"S-sorry i l-left you earlier" Jisung said between sobs and nuzzling his head between Minho's neck and shoulder. Minho pulled him by the waist to make the other boy straddle his lap. He rubbed his back.

"You don't have to apologize, you done nothing wrong." Minho reassured him.

They stayed like that. Comfortable in each other's embrace. Suddenly, Jisung kissed Minho's cheek and quickly nuzzled his head ,back, in the crook of the other boy's neck.

They all looked at the two. They giggled while the other two were both flustered and red. Especially Minho.


"Next week we have a trip, everyone" The teacher started saying. Everyone cheered. 

"We will be staying there for one week. It is a trip to the country side. There will be animals and activities to do. It will be the whole year group so you can choose a room mate from any of your classes. Choose carefully though, you will be staying with them for the whole week." Minho and Jisung looked at each other at the same time, looking away again flustered, a blush spreading on their cheeks.

"You will have to bring a suitcase with enough clothes for a week, your toiletries and anything else you need for yourself."

At the next break all 8 of them gathered together planning they're roomates.

Hyunjin and Felix

Jeongin and Seungmin 

Changbin and Bangchan 

and Finally and obviously:

Minho and Jisung




Sorry for not updating regularly. I'm trying my best.

I include some cute fluff. Even i got butterflies lmao.

Sorry for any mistakes i couldn't check twice.

How are you?



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