Chapter 4

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A/N: If you are uncomfortable with any of the following, mentioned topics or they are triggering, please don't read. You're mental health goes first!

Remember you are so strong! Well done! I'm proud of you!


-Next day-

"So..... how was yesterday?" Hyunjin didn't waste one second as soon as he entered the classroom. 

"Since when are you this early?" Minho asked, avoiding the question. 

It was true. Hyunjin was never this early but knowing the fact that Minho was early everyday he rushed today. He was eager and curious to see if anything happened between the two. (being as delusional as us LMAO)

"Don't avoid my question!" 

"I don't know what is happening in that delusional brain of yours and i don't want to know either" Minho said with a disgusted face.

"So nothing happened?" He insisted

"HYUNJIN. Nothing is happening between us we literally just met yesterday."

"Oooh! So you're not saying that you don't like him." Hyunjin said excitedly but regretted it the moment he saw Minho pull out a packet of tissues ( ifykyk ;) ).

"If you say one more word this whole packet will go in your mouth" Minho stated strictly in a low tone. Knowing Hyunjin's reaction he didn't even look at him. Making him look more intimidating.

When he looked up, Hyunjin was already sat ( ;) ) in his chair that was the desk right next to him. He tried not to laugh but ended up laughing even harder than he meant to. Hyunjin looked at him annoyed but Minho's contagious laugh made him smile and shake his head in disagreement. 

Han's pov 

I opened the door to a loud laugh. I looked inside and saw Minho laughing in a belly laugh way. With his full voice. He was looking at Hyunjin who seemed annoyed but with a slightly amused face. 

He is probably making fun of him

I smiled looking at both of them being so silly. 

Minho's laughter started to slow and quieten down but it was stuck in my head on loop. His laugh and beautiful smile were overwhelmingly perfect together. 

He threw his head back tired from all the laughter, exposing his neck. They still didn't notice me so i stepped outside for a bit to be able to calm down.

Seeing him like this made my heart flutter. He was drop dead gorgeous. The feelings in my tummy that I had yesterday came back.

The way his hands so lazily rested on my hips. The little touches here and there. If it were someone else I wouldn't have even paid any attention, I wouldn't have even realized. But his harmless small touches made my heart feel like it's about to pop out of my chest. He made my tummy feel like there were millions of butterflies trying to break free.

I knew I had to stop thinking about him this way but I couldn't help it. He wouldn't ever look at me like that and I knew that for a fact. Someone as perfect as him wouldn't even bother with someone like me.

I felt tears slowly build up. I have never been properly loved. The fact that I now got such small attention from someone like him, overwhelmed me. My thoughts took over, subconsciously, not letting myself to think about any other way of letting my feelings out.

No one's pov 

He reached the toilets in no time. He wasn't even thinking properly. He done it so many times it felt normal to him now. It felt like his normal routine.

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