Chapter 17

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The next morning everyone left back home. They went on the coach in the same seats. They had a peaceful ride. Sleeping, eating, and getting out to stretch at the stops. It was peaceful and happy. All the couples comfortable with one another. As happy as ever.

Some of them.... Limping ;)

*time skip*

Today was the first day back to school from the trip. This was the last week before the end of school so the lessons would probably be chill.

Jisung's first thought was to find his friends and minho. When they found each other, minsung hugged and acted like they haven't seen each other for weeks. (it was only two days) the others faked gagging. But proceeded to do the same with their lovers.

They went to lessons together and the day passed quickly. And so did the rest of the week in a blink of an eye.

*during the holiday*

-Jisung's pov-

"So I have a plan! I don't know how you will react but it's just an idea."

Everyone listened carefully to what chan had to say. It was obviously very important as you could see from his expression.

"Next year we are going to college. Saur we can choose to live with our parents, in a dorm with a random person, or we can move into our own houses. Honestly we all want our privacy right? And we are all also like brothers. Saur......" he smiled brightly.

" What do you think about saving money and moving in togther for college?" His smile was bright his dimples showing.

All of us stayed still. Silence filling the room. But we all smiled and cheered screaming yes.

We all talked about it further.

"Maybe our parents can also help us a bit financially at the moment?" Hyunjin added to the other comments.

"But we definitely have to get our own jobs." felix added to his boyfriend's comment.

"We still have quite a bit of time so we can start working this holiday to make our lives easier." changbin thought out loud.

Everyone agreed nodding.

"I mean- my parents do have quite some money. And I don't think it would be a big deal for them to pay most of it." Seungmin shly said wanting to be humble.

We all looked at him.

"You really don't have to." I said softly.

"They have own one of the biggest companies in Korea so- it's really not big of a deal. At least they can help us get settled in a nice house for the time being and from then we can take care of ourselves." seungmin laughed.

We all went to him and had a big group hug.

House - check.

Job - in search

Love of my life next to me - forever check.

That's all I need at the moment.

*Bigggggg time skip - near the end of the holiday*

-No pov-

" Oh. My. God!!" They all screamed shocked at how the house looked. They came here to check our new house and start unpacking.

It was massive. 5 bedrooms. 1 for each couple and a spare one in case someone wanted to sleep there. Or a guest room.

All of them ensuite.(in case you don't know it means that the rooms all have a bathroom inside. It's not one, public one)

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