Chapter 3

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~bell rings~

The three boys started packing up. "Thank you soo much for letting me come to your dance class." Lix said facing towards Hyunjin.

"I think he is even more grateful for you coming." Jisung teased slightly giggling. Felix's freckles slowly being covered by the blush that was covering his face.

"You're lucky you just arrived or i swear-" Hyunjin glared at Jisung making the boy laugh harder. Ji ran out of the classroom followed by Hyunjin following him. But obviously he stopped in his tracks to wait for a flustered but amused Felix.

Jisung saw Chan and Minho, quickly going to hide behind Chan. "Chan hyung save meee!".

"Are you okay what happened?" Chan said worried but then confused when Jisung couldn't stop laughing. "I- THINK- HY-HYUNJIN IS- GONNA KILL- ME!" He managed to say between laughs.

Minho's pov

His laughter melted my heart. I couldn't help but chuckle at how silly but cute he was. He suddenly looked at me,making me snap out of whatever nonsense I was thinking of. I Looked away, pretending nothing happened.

Jisung's pov

I was so busy laughing i didn't even notice Minho staring at me. He was- smiling? I didn't even get to blink twice though... He looked away returning to his cold and expressionless face. Why did my heart sting like that? Why did I care so much?

"HAN JISUNGGG" I heard Hyunnie saying my name, distracting me from my thoughts. "Sorry!!!!" I blurted out trying to sound serious but miserably failing.

"When you are done being stupid you might as well go to class. I won't be waiting for you guys." Minho interrupted.

Why was he being like this? At lunch he was making my heart flutter with his beautiful smile. He even offered to help me dance. And now he was being cold and put on an annoyed face.

It's your fault Jisung why would you ever think of anything like that.

No one will love you.

Look at yourself.

You don't deserve to be loved.

(a/n: BTW this is what jisung is thinking and I immensely object on everything. He deserves all the love in the world. BTW if u didn't read the description for this story. I'm gonna warn you that there will be some angst. )

3rd person pov

He felt tears build up, threatening to fall at any moment.

"Hey Ji, are you okay?" Hyunjin whispered, nudging him softly to get his friend's attention. Jisung was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize they were already arrived. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Hyunjin spoke softly, seeing that Jisung looked quite hesitant.

"Yes, I'm sure." Jisung put on a bright smile.

They walked in the classroom. Everyone noticed the two new boys. Staring at them making, mostly Jisung nervous.

Lix and Ji went to stand in the back corner away from everyone. Hyunjin and Minho going to the front to teach.

"Today you will be pairing up with whoever you want. You will have to stay with them for the rest of the semester and your grades will be affected by both of your skills. So, pick wisely." Minho said. He used a patient and calm tone unlike the cold one he used for Jisung.

Everyone paired up evenly. Felix and Jisung were left. They paired up together but had no idea what to do.

"You pretty boy, are coming with me. "Hyunjin smirked talking to Felix."Me and Minho will take care of you guys." he walked to Jisung. "If he's being a dick tell me okay? I'll teach him a lesson" Hyunjin said lowly while winking playfully, making Jisung giggle.


"You need to step with your left foot back" Minho explained to a confused Jisung. They agreed to come back after school finished so that they both got more practice.

"How does that even work??!!! I'm gonna trip on my own legs and FALL!" Jisung exclaimed dramatically. "You barely hung out with Hyunjin and you're already soo dramatic" Minho chuckled. (a/n: LMAOOOOO! DRAMA LLAMA)

He noticed Jisung struggling. Even though he was amused he tried to help him. He went and stood behind him, gently placing his hand on the Jisung's hip. He felt the boy shudder, even nearly melt under his touch, making him smirk to himself. He pulled Jisung's hip backward showing him how to stand.

Jisung's pov

Why did his touch make me feel like that?

He's so gentle yet so intimidating.

He put his hand on my waist (a/n: The holy JAIST) so softly and so cautious making me feel like I could faint any moment. Why did his touch feel so right.

"Then kick your other leg back and cross it behind." he interrupted my thoughts pushing them all away.

I'm going crazy. His cold tone said it all. He was only showing me what to do.

I done as he told me.

He stepped away taking his hand from my waist.

"There you go! You done it without dramatically falling" he said with a chuckle making me laugh properly. I haven't laughed like this, for as long as I remember. When i silenced down i couldn't help but stare at his beautiful facial expression when he smiled.

A rare image but one that should be appreciated.

3rd person pov

They both looked away, a tint of pink creeping up on their faces.

"We should take a break." Minho said, interrupting the slightly awkward silence. Jisung just nodded, going to get his water bottle. He sat down next to it and chugged half of it, leaving some for later.


Hi my lovesssss!!! How are you guys?

I tried something different as you probably noticed. Do you like the different povs or do you want me to do it normally. I thought it's kinda interesting like this. IDK!!!! Make sure to tell me what you think!!!



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