Chapter 29: Road Trip! Kind of

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Flash forward its June! It's Greyson's 19th birthday! Greyson, Chandler, Trevor, Annie, and I are going on a little road trip to bear lake. A little update: Emerson is making herself at home, Greyson got his mission call to Brazil! And Trevor moved up to Utah to be with Annie more, how cute is that?! It's the night before the mini road trip and Chandler and I are last minute packing. We are going to be gone 2 1/2 days. It's going to be so fun. It's a secret but Trevor is going to propose to Annie while we are here! I'm so excited for her!
"Babe, did you get sunscreen?" I asked
"Ya, blue bag." He said.
"Thanks. I can't believe Kelly, (rich family friend) is letting us barrow is baby! (Boat, EXSPENSIVE)"
"Your grandparents wouldn't let us take their little boat even if they were dead." Chandler said
"True, they love that thing! You know I've been tubing on that little green boat since I was 5?"
"You have been going to bear lake since you were 5?!"
"Yup! My grandparents called me the Tube Queen."
"They could never get me off." I said
"I will be testing that theory." He said. I laughed
"I think I still have some Tube Queen blood left in me." I said.
"We'll see." He said. I was folding clothes wen Emerson jumped in the bed and sat in my suitcase.
"Are you sure we can't bring her?" I asked Chandler.
"We could but I don't want to be worrying about her, plus Michelle already said she could watch her." My mom couldn't watch her because my dad is allergic.
"Ok." I said in a pouty voice.
"Kennel up." I said. She jumped off the bed and walked right in to her kennel.
"Good girl." I said closing the door. I put my suitcase on the floor and got in bed. I turned off my lamp and snuggled into Chandler's arms.
"What time do we need to leave in the morning?" I asked
"Out of the house by 7:30am the drive is 3 hours long."
" can you believe Annie will be engaged by the end of this trip?!"
"I remember those days." I laughed
"Goodnight, I love you." I said
"Goodnight, I love you too."

I woke up at 6:30am and made Chandler and I breakfast: egg and sausage burritos. I opened Emersons cage and she jumped on my bed, walking up Chandler. I sat at the foot of the bed.
"Good morning." I said kissing him.
"Good morning." He said
"Want some breakfast? I made some burritos."
"Sounds good."
"It's 7:25, hurry." I said. He jumped out of bed and put his clothes on.
"We need to pack up the car!" He said. He unplugged his phone and saw the time.
"Really B, it's 7:05am"
"Hahah. Come on let's eat." He followed me into the kitchen and we sat at the table.
"Do you think we should buy a house?" Chandler asked
"A house?!" I said with food in my mouth.
"Yeah, we're expanding our family." He said
"We got a dog. And no, no house, I'm not ready, or financially ready."
"Think about it?" He asked
"Maybe." I said. After we ate we packed up the car and got in. Emerson was in my lap.
"Ready for an adventure?!" Chandler yelled
"I'm ready for an adventure!" I yelled. We drove to Michell's and dropped off Emerson. We then drove to The Riggs to get Greyson.
"Hey! Happy birthday, Greyson!" I said as he got in the car.
"Thanks." He said as we drive to Trevor's. Annie was already there. We got out and knocked on his door.
"Happy birthday Greyson!" Annie said hugging him. We sang happy birthday and put our things in Trevor's convertible. The girls in the convertible and the guys took Trevor's truck to pull the boat.
"I'm so excited!" Annie said.
"Me too." I started the engine and we began our journey. I know I'm making a 3 hour drive sound so fun. After getting the boat we got in the highway. After 20 pee breaks from miss tiny tank we finally made it! We all got out and checked in we had a 2 story condo. We walked in and called rooms.
"B, do you want to bunk with Annie, or me?" Chandler asked. Annie gave me puppy dog eyes.
"Annie." I said
"Cool, Bro cave!" He said as the guys took a room with 2 bunk beds. Annie and I shared a king sized bed upstairs. We unpacked then we had to get the boat in the water. Chandler and the guys did that while Annie and I made lunch. We had hamburgers. Annie mended the grill while I cut up vegetables. After the guys got back me ate. I didn't know wen exactly Trevor was proposing but it was happening. After we ate we set up "camp" on the sand. Annie and Trevor rented a jet ski and were gone for a bit. Greyson, Chandler and I water skied. We got in the boat and Chandler started the engine. We drifted out a bit and Chandler turned off the engine.
"Who's up first?" Chandler asked.
"Il go." Greyson said as he strapped the board to his feet. I pushed him in the water.
"B! Really?!" He said laughing.
"Good luck." I said waving. Chandler started the engine again and went at a normal speed I watched Greyson for his signals. He out a thumbs up.
"Faster." I told Chandler. Greyson have a in between thumbs.
"That's good." I said. Chandler did some sharp turns and eventually knocked his off. Trevor and Annie came around and ride next to Greyson.
"Someone fall off?" Trevor said.
"Yeah, we have a reckless driver." Greyson said. Trevor laughed. I want a go. I got on the jet ski with Annie and Trevor jumped off in to the water. Greyson was realled in a removed the board. Trevor put it on and got in the water. I followed next to him.
"Your doing great babe!" Annie yelled. He gave a thumbs up. Which told Greyson to tell Chandler to go faster. We laughed as Trevor lost his balance and fell in the water. We went back to shore to take back the jet ski and attach the tube on. We got back in the boat.
"Your up, tube queen!" Chandler yelled
"Go tube queen!" Annie cheered
"Ok." I said I put the tube in the water and sat in it. I layer on my belly as Trevor let the rope out. Chandler sped up and I stayed on. I did some jumps and Chandler eventually gave up. They pulled me back in the boat.
"Nicely done." Chandler said.
"Still got some tube queen left in ya." Chandler said. I kissed him.
"My turn to drive." I said I sat in his lap as Annie got on the tube.
"Help me out here, never driven a boat." I say. Chandler shows me how.
"Tube queen got skill!" Trevor says. I laugh. I knock Annie off and turn around to get her. We pull her in and I drive back to shore. We docked the boat and walk to our condo it's dinner time.
"What's for dinner lady's?" Chandler asks. Annie and I are in charge of food.
"Cereal." Annie say.
"Yes!" Greyson and Trevor says. We ate cereal and the guys did the dishes. After that it was shower time. We only had one shower so we had the make the best if it.
"Annie, go first." Trevor said. While she showered Trevor decorated our bed with rose petals and wrote a note. He stood out side the balcony behind the curtain waiting for her. She came out of the shower and we all followed her to our room. She was dressed. She put her hands on her face.
"Aw my gosh!" She picked up the card. I was recording. She opened the card and read it out loud: "Anabelle, my love,i want you to know that since the day we met I've fallen deeply in love with you. there are no words to express the feeling I feel in my heart that you came into my life, and how you make every day so special. you are my life, my heart, my soul.
You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today.
Loving you is the only thing that makes life worth living. Day by day, my love for you becomes overwhelming, and I can't handle it when I don't see or even talk to you every day.
A day without you in my life is like a day without sunshine, a day without food, or a day without air. I need you when I'm cold to keep me warm; I need you in the rain to keep me dry; I need you in my life to keep me happy. You make me feel wonderful. You give me strength when I just can't carry on and I truly treasure that. Every moment spent together is another one of my dreams coming true. Yes I got this from the internet, but it was made for you, I love you so much and I want to... Look up." Trevor walk in and kneels on the floor. Annie stars crying.
"Anabelle, would you want to spend your life, with me and for years and years after that?"
"Yes, Yes!" She said. We all cheer. Trevor put the ring on her finger and they talked and talked on the balcony. I went to check on them and they had fallen asleep. I put a blanket on them and went in Chandler's room.
"Hey, I'm going to bed, goodnight." I say kissing him.
"Goodnight, love you." He says
"Love you too." I walked into my room and closed the door I layed in bed but couldn't sleep. I went in Chandler's room and Greyson and him were playing Uno.
"Can I play?" I said
"Sure." Geyson says patting the floor next to him. I sat down and we played all night. I fell asleep after our many games. They guys had just been talking. Chandler woke me up.
"B, let's go lay down." He said as he helped me up. I waddled to my room like a drunk person and Chandler layed me in bed. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight. Today was so fun. I'm so happy for Annie. But watch out married life is different than dating.

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