It's April 3rd. The babies are 2 months old! Church is at 9am so we woke up early to get Maverick and Bently dressed for their first day of church. Chandler and I had traded going to church so one of us could be with the kids. We didn't want to babies in public just yet but today they are getting blessed. Blair has been going to church with us and we have had the missionaries over many times to teach her. She really enjoys the church. Blair is 2 1/2 months along. She having a boy! She's going to name him Easton. She's let the father in and he said that he would help with the baby and making sure Blair is ok. His name is Colt. He lives in south Jordan. I was changing Bently's diaper wen my phone rang.
"Bailey, I'll take Blair off your hands while you spend some time with the little ones. I'll pick her up at 8:30."
"Actually,Milo, she loves it here. Unless she has a interested family I'd like her to stay."
"Are you sure? You already have twins."
"I'm sure. Thank you!"
"Alright I'll talk to you later."
"K bye." And I hung up the phone. I see Blair in the doorway.
"You want me to stay?" She asked
"Of course. We love having you here." I said
"Thank you." She walked over and gave me a hug.
"We love having you here." I said.
"Go get ready." I said. She walked off. I put Bently's dress on and put on a little bow.
"You look so pretty! Yes you do!" I say kissing her cheeks as she laughed. Chandler walked in with a screaming Maverick.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"He does not want me holding him." Chandler says. We switched babies and I got Maverick dressed. He wore the cutest little tux. He was still screaming wen I was changing him. I rocked him and rocked him. But he wouldn't stop crying. I then realized he wanted his stuffed Olaf from frozen. I gave him it and he stopped crying.
"There you go!" I said. He held it close and layed his head on my shoulder. I walked into my room to get ready. I put maverick in his jumper and he played while I got dressed. Chandler them came in and put Bently in her jumper while he got dressed. I them fed the babies and ate my breakfast. We were out the door at 8:45. Blair bucked in Mav and I buckled in Bently. Blair sat in between them.
"Comfy back there?" Chandler asked looking in the rear view mirror. Blair laughed. After sacrament I changed the babies into different clothes and fed them. Then i gave Mav to Chandler and I had Bently for relief society. Blair went with the young women. The young women had opening exercises in the RS room so Blair sat next to me. After church we went home and changed into casual clothes for the party my grandma had thrown. We went over to their house and I think as soon as I opened the door booth babies were gone from my hands. Witch was quite a relief. Chandler, Blair, and I ate lunch there and we talked with family then told stories from wen we were little.
"do you remember wen you broke that rocking chair at your school wen some people were having a meeting and everyone saw us back stage?" I asked Clayton.
"Oh my gosh! How to you remember that? You were like 12!" Clayton said.
"I also remember every time I was sad you would smack your self and I would laugh." I said.
"Chandler do you remember wen you tried theater in middle school and you bombed that class?" Jina says.
"What?! I thought I was so good at acting! Mom!" Chandler says. After that we played rummie cube. A family game.
"This was mom's favorite game." My grandma said.
"At her funeral I remember grandpa saying: I waiting for her to jump out of her casket and say lets play some rummie!" I said.
"I miss her." Lindsay said.
"We all do. She was a funny women." Jeff said.
"Ba-ly." Ashley's little girl Emma said.
"Good job!" Carl said.
"Can you say: Bent-ly?" Lindsay said. She was holding Bently as she slept.
"Bwently!" Emma said. She was 2.
"And Mav?" Tonya said.
"Mav!!!" She yelled. We laughed.
"I love you Emma." I said
"I wuv you too!" She said.
"I love you Emma." Carl said.
"No!" She yelled.
"I see how it is." Carl said. Emma walked over and kissed Mavericks forehead.
"Do you love maverick?" My mom asked
"Wuv Mav." She said.
"Awe." Clayton said. We took some family pictures.
"Mom I'm sorry we have to go." I said trying to take maverick from her arms.
"No!" She said.
"Mom, you can walk us back." And we did. My dad had Bently and my mom had Mav. My mom finally let me take Mav back.
"Drive safe." Chandler said. And they drive off. We went inside and Blair watched Mav he was asleep and it was so cute on his little pillow. Chandler and I have Bently a bath. I rested my head in Chandler's shoulder and he kissed my forehead.
"Only 17 years and 10 months left."
"What are you talking about!? They aren't allowed to move out. Ever." I said
"They have to start their own families." He said.
"But they will always be my babies." I say kissing Bently's hand.
"always." Chandler said. Bently giggled.
"What's so funny?" Chandler said in a funny voice. She laughed some more.
"You are a bad actor!" I said laughing. He ticked me.
"How about now?"
"Still no." I said. He kept tickling me.
"Fine!" I surrendered. We put clothes on Bently and Chandler gave her a bottle. I gave Mav a bath with Blair.
"He's so little, I don't want to break him." She said poring water on his foot. I laughed.
"He's not a robot, the water won't hurt." We finished his bath and I fed and put him to bed. Chandler was very nice to me and let me watch TWD. Usually he just wants to go to bed.
"You know Carl kind of looks like you." I said
"I don't see it." Chandler said.
"if Judith was Bently, I'd protect her with all my heart." He said
"I have no doubt you would." I said. He kissed me.
"I'm ready for bed." He said.
"Love you."
"Love you too, goodnight."

Married to Chandler Riggs // I Waited
FanfictionThis is a Mormon version of a love story. Please no hate on being Mormon I respect your religion, please respect mine. And this is my first story! Happy reading! Also This story is pretty long. I greatly appreciate feedback! Thanks so much!