Chapter 17: Chicken Fights and Trever Moran?!

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It's Kians and Grace's last day and Kian just found out that his friend Trever is in town and has a big mansion house nearby. We were going to chill and go to the movies but now we are going to meet up with Trever and so we are going swimming.
"Pool party!" Kian yells from Annie's bedroom. I put on a mint green polka dot one piece and a white cover up and my flip flops. I also just bought a floppy hat. I grab my beach towl from the hall closet and look for sun screen. "Annie, where is the sun screen?" I ask. She is in the bath room changing. She comes out in a black one shoulder swim suit.
"It's at the top." She says walking in to the kitchen. I shake my head
"No it's not there." Kian pokes his head out.
"You better get some or I'll look like a freshly plucked chicken by the end of today."
"Haha, ok we will stop on our way." I say. He walks back in and closes the door. I go sit on the couch. 5 minutes later Grace and Kian walk out. Kian is wearing spongebob swimming shorts. And Grace is wearing a black and white chevron tankini.
"I tryed talking him out of it but he won't." Grace says taking a picture of Kians shorts.
"Post it, and say: swimming with bae and tag yourself." Kian says.
"K." Grace says with out another word
"I'm sorry you have to live with him." I say to grace
"I know!"
"What?" Kian asks
"Nothing." Grace says
"Pain in the butt!" She mouths
"I am not!" Kian says.

We stop at Walgreens and grab some sun screen.
"I need the I'm so freaking pale brand." Kian says surveying the aisle. Grace kicks him.
"We should exspiriment! Let's grab tanning oil!" Grace says
"I'm curious to know the outcome on that one!" Annie says.
"I'm not!" Kian says. We grab the sun screen and pay. On our way out the thing beeps
"How many times do I have to tell you Kian!?" I say as the lady come over to check our bags. He kicks his leg across the floor
"I'm sorry." He says with a pouty face and childish voice.
"You Kian Lawley!?" The lady asks
"No I am Spider-Man!" Kian says pretending to shoot webs. The lady laughs
"You have a nice day."

We pull up to Trevor's and get out. We all walk to to back gate and open it revealing a huge pool. Kian immediately runs and jumps in.
"Honey you forgot your sun screen. Don't cry to me wen your bacon." Grace says. I laugh
"Dang it!" Kian says stepping out of the pool and drying off. I put on my sun screen and take off my floppy hat and cover up. Annie does the same.
"Where's Trever?" Annie asks Kian
"I do not know."
"Here I am! The king has arrived!" Trevor walk out the back door. He takes off his shirt and jumps in. Grace, Annie and I get in. Kian is still lathering himself.
"Come on in snow white!" Trevor calls
"I have delicate skin!" He says. He sets the bottle down and runs in the pool to Grace with the crab dance. He spashes every where. Annie swims over to Trevor and they talk. My phone chimes and I get out of the pool. I walk over and look at the screen: one new email. I sit down and open it up.

Subject: missing you
Hey I think you have the planning under control. It's p day and my companion and I just got groceries. What is my fiancé doing on this lovely day?

Love you- elder Riggs

"B, come on!" Annie yells
"One sec, it's Chandler."

Subject: missing you
I'm with Kian, Grace, Annie, and Trevor. We are at Trevor's swimming I got to go I'm being called. I miss you lots.

Love you too -B

I put my phone down and jump in the pool making a huge slash. I come up to the sure face and wipe my face. I'm right in front of Trevor
"Oh, sorry." I say
"It's ok. Nice ring." I look at it
"Married or engaged?"
"What about your friend?" He says pointing to Annie.
"Um I think single. One sec." I swim over to Annie
"Hey Trevor wants to know if your single."
"Really? In that case I'm done with hunter, hate hate being in a LDR!" She swims over to Trevor and Trevor gives me a thumbs up.
"Chicken fight!!" Kian yells hoisting Grace in his shoulders. Annie then gets on Trevor's.
"Come ref, B" Grace says. I swim over in between the 2 teams.
"Go!" Grace and Annie are neck and neck. I find it funnyer to watch Kian and Trevor smack talk.
"Kian grace is too weak just give up!"
"Trevor, eat my victory!"
"Annie and I will kick your pitucus!"
"Shut up penguin legs!" Annie an Grace are locked in arms then grace falls down taking Kian with her.
"Yes! I beat Kian Lawley!" Trevor yells.
"Round 2!" I yell
Annie and grace push hands
"We should film this!" Trevor says
"Only if it goes in my channel."
"Stop!" Kian yells.
"What?" Annie asks
"I had her!" Grace yells. Trevor puts Annie back in the water and runs in the house
"We are going to put in on my channel."
"Ok." I say. Trevor comes back out with a try pod and sets a camera up. He hands me a gopro so I can get underwater footage. We all get out of the water and film the intro
"What's up duudes?!" Kian says
"I have Trevor Moran here!"
"Hi!" Trevor says
"And grace!" Grace yells.
"I also have one if Graces friends her and her cousin:."
"Bailey!" I yell
"Annie!" Annie says
"We are going to do the chicken fight challenge!"
"Does everything have to be a challenge?" Grace asks
"Yes! We will cut that out." Trevor says
"Alright let's do this!" We get in the water and I film underwater wen someone falls in. After we are done it's like 7:45 pm. we dry off and go inside. We are eating ice cream and goofing off. It's been about 30 min since we have seen Trevor. We walk around the corner and see passed out Trevor on the couch. Kian takes a picture and posts it. We all laugh.
"Hey Trevor!" Annie yells
"What!" We says standing up rubbing his eyes.
"We're going get back I'll see you soon." They hug and we get in the car and drive back.

In the morning I take them to the airport at 4:30 in the morning. After I get back I start my Netflix binge of titanic.

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