Chapter 10 - Taking Care Of A Very Sick Justin (Adam And Justin's POVs)

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Justin's POV

I was immediately met by Adam as soon as I closed the door and headed back upstairs. I couldn't believe that just happened. Cynthia did actually love me. I could have just let her back into my life and started a new chapter with her, but I didn't want to. If I were to start a new chapter in my life, I wanted it to be with Adam. But I knew that would never happen. Adam loved me as his best friend and as his best friend only. Nothing more. I was sure of it.

I don't know how long I had been asleep, but it must have been about 3 in the morning when I woke up, finding myself in Adam's arms. We were in my room, which confused me. I don't remember getting in here. I probably passed out and Adam carried me in. As my eyes slowly got used to the darkness, I realized DJ was there, too, lying on the floor in a sleeping bag and scrolling through his phone. Had these two not slept at all? Had they been up all night because I'd been very sick with this stupid fever? Ugh! I hate being sick! I've never liked having to be looked after. It makes me feel like a burden. Out of me and Adam, I'm the older one, so I should be the one taking care of him. Not the other way around. But I can't do anything about it. I get sick way more often for my liking, and it's been like this ever since I was a little boy. However, as I lay in Adam's arms that morning, I could tell that my sickness was way worse than it would normally be; maybe because I hadn't been taking care of my body for the past few months due to my depression. And it would only get even worse from here. Bruh! Why does the Author of this fanfic make me sound so miserable in this story? So far, the 7th chapter has been the only chapter where I'm not depressed. Well, sort of. Can y'all tell me why that is? does this Author hate me, or something?

(Author: Justie, I love you. I really do, but please. Stay in character, okay?

Justin: Bruh! What choice do I have? I'm not the one writing this book, you are.

Author: Exactly. Now, back to the story.)

I lay awake in Adam's arms, closing my eyes. He didn't seem to have realized I was awake. I felt him looking at me, playing with my hair, like always. I was about to fall back asleep, when suddenly, nausea came to visit me, combined with a pounding headache caused by my fever as well as a sudden and overwhelming dizziness, which slowly but surely began to take over me. I tried to ignore it. I didn't want Adam, or DJ, to get all worked-up, so I just stayed in Adam's arms, keeping my eyes closed. I tried to relax, hoping that Adam's gentle and yet firm grip on me would eventually help me go back to sleep, but it was no use. I needed to go to the bathroom. I was going to be sick. Without a second thought, I pulled away from Adam's arms in an attempt to make my way to the bathroom, but it was too late. I ended up getting sick all over Adam.

Adam's POV

It was about 3 in the morning, and I hadn't slept at all. Neither had DJ, who, despite lying down comfortably in a sleeping bag on the floor, was wide awake, phone in hand. We both couldn't sleep. And even if we were tired, we couldn't possibly. Justin was running a fever over 104 degrees, and we had been trying to keep his temperature down all night. It hurts whenever he falls ill like this.

I looked at him, playing with his hair as he slept peacefully in my arms. Well, I thought he was asleep. He lay limp in my arms. Eyes Closed. Not moving at all, except for occasionally shifting a bit to change positions, but that was all. Then, out of nowhere, he got up, pulling away from me.

"Justin?" I said, looking at him closely: "Justin, you okay, bro?" He didn't say anything. Before I knew it, he was sick all over me. I was quick to place my hand on his back, stroking it and then patting it as he threw up some more. DJ dropped his phone on the floor, running downstairs to get a glass of water, while I stayed with poor Justin, who proceeded to throw up until he was gasping for air. It was so painful for me to see.

"Adam?" he said, ever so weakly.

"Yes, Justie. What's up? Where does it hurt, bro? Tell me." Justin remained silent. I noticed his eyes were beginning to close and he was slowly falling into my arms, about to pass out. "No! No! Stay with me, Justin! Please, bro! Don't close your eyes! Let's get you cleaned up, then we'll get you back to bed, okay? Just keep those beautiful, brown eyes of yours open for me."

After I changed into a pair of clean clothes and had thrown my clothes with Justin's sick in the laundry basket, I carefully lifted Justin up from his bed, carrying him out of his room and taking him to the bathroom. I could tell he was trying so hard not to pass out after being violently sick. I gently undressed him, being careful not to cause him any pain, or discomfort. I then started to give him a shower, making sure the water was warm.

"Adam," Justin hardly managed to say.

"Shhh," I whispered, comfortingly, "it's okay, bro. I know you're not feeling good right now and I know you just wanna go back to bed, but we need to get you all freshened up first."

"Adam, I..." Justin broke off, his eyes beginning to close again.

"No! Justin! Stay with me! Please, bro! We're nearly done. I just need to rince your hair, alright?"

Justin's POV

I could barely make out the words Adam was saying as he continued to give me a shower. I was on the verge of passing out. I felt so light-headed and dizzy, and I seemed to feel worse minute by minute. Adam seemed to realize this, as he quickly turned off the shower, wrapped me in a towel, and carried me into his arms. It wasn't long before I was back in my room, lying in my bed with a pair of clean pyjamas.

"You can close your eyes now, bro," Adam whispered, covering me up with a blanket, "I'm right here, okay?" I gave him a weak smile.

"You and DJ should get some sleep now," I managed to say before I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remembered was Adam planting a soft kiss on my forehead while saying:

"I love you, Justin. You'll get better soon, bro." Then, everything went quiet.

(Hey lovely readers! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Stick around for the next one. Hope you also liked that little scene with me and Justin LOL!)

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