Chapter 12 - Tonight Was The Night (Adam And Justin's POVs)

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Adam's POV

My body shook with nervousness as I started driving my car. The song "Can I Have This Dance" from High School Musical was playing on my car radio. I smiled, remembering the time when I did a 0Budget video of this song with Justin, who was sitting right next to me on the passenger's seat, scrolling through his phone. He thought we were just going for a little stroll, but I was actually taking him to a very special location I had chosen myself. A place so special to me and him. A place where it all started. A place where I would be confessing my love for him. Tonight was the night. The moment I'd been waiting for since forever. I couldn't believe that only yesterday evening, I was in the process of planning everything. And now, this was it. No turning back now. Not that I'd want to.

We'd finally reached our destination. Once I'd parked my car, I got out and opened the door to Justin's side.

"We're here?" he asked, turning to me and taking his seatbelt off. I gave him a sweet smile.

"Indeed, we are," I said. I helped him out of the car and instructed him to follow me. He gladly obeyed.

As soon as we got closer to the building, a surprised gasp left Justin's lips.

"Um, Adam? What... what is this?" he stuttered, clearly confused. At this point, I moved closer to him and held his hand, leading him all the way inside the building.

"Do you remember this place?" I asked him, almost calling him "babe" but stopping myself. He nodded.

"How can I ever forget this place, Adam? This is the place that led us to each other. The place where many film festivals were done. I remember we both used to make short films years ago, and we crossed paths right here. Why are we here, though? Is there a film festival tonight?" I moved even closer to him, running my fingers through his neatly-combed hair.

"There's no film festivals taking place tonight," I answered, "but it is a very special night. Come on. Let's go further in."

"I don't like this, Adam," Justin told me. I could tell he was nervous and confused all at once. I reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Justin, it's okay. Come on. Let's go."

Justin's POV

I had no idea what was going on. Adam told me to hop in his car and said we needed to go shopping, but instead, we ended up going to the place where we met. I nervously followed him as he led me all the way into the building.

"Where are you taking me, Adam?" I asked, now starting to get frustrated. Adam just squeezed my hand, sweetly smiling at me.

"Here," he replied, pointing at a spot where a table full of flowers and chocolates were situated. I looked at it, confused.

"Flowers? Chocolates?" I said, turning to look at Adam, who took my hand and gently pressed a little piece of folded paper into it.

"Unfold it, Justie," he instructed me. I did so, and found a little hand-written note inside. When I read it, it was as if everything was going in slow-motion. The note said:

"Justin Kroma Leon Xu, my best friend, the most special and amazing person I've ever known, would you make me, Adam James McArthur, the happiest man alive by becoming my boyfriend?"

I stood there, holding the piece of paper in my hand. I didn't even realize tears had started falling down my face. I couldn't believe this was happening! Adam loved me! He actually loved me! The voices in my head were wrong!

"So?" Adam said, putting his arms around me: "Is that a yes?" I didn't manage to say anything. I was crying so hard, I just nodded, smiling through my tears. Adam kissed me while whispering: "I love you, Justin. I've loved you since the day I met you, and now that you've given me your heart, I will look after it until our dying day. I'll be forever yours, babe."

"I will do the same for you, Adam," I managed to say, wiping my tears, "I love you."

"I know, Justie. Now, how about we go back home and get DJ and Tristan? We'll all go out tonight."

"Sounds like a plan, Adam."

"Great! Let's go, baby!"

(Yes!!! Adam and Justin are finally a couple!!! Sorry this chapter is quite short, but we're not done here, y'all. Stick around for the next chapter. See y'all!)

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