Chapter 1 - Where It All Started (Justine's POV)

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Justine's POV

Hi! My name is Justine Xu, LankyBox Justin Kroma Xu's twin-sister. And I guess you can also refer to me as the girl who almost became LankyBox Adam's girlfriend. That never ended up happening, because, well, I'm about to tell you right now.

You see, ever since Justin met Adam, they had become inseparable. Adam would come over to our house every day, and he would stay the night every now and again. If he and Justin weren't making videos, they would stay up all night, either watching their favorite movies and TV series, or just talking about absolutely anything. And because Adam was around often, I started catching feelings for him after a while. He was just so good-hearted and fun to hang out with. Plus, he was - and still is - very handsome.

So, one day, when Justin was out with Mom and Dad, I decided I'd let Adam know about my feelings toward him since it was just the two of us; and when I did, he was so nice about it. Long story short, Adam rejected me, but he did it in a way that I wouldn't get hurt. He told me he was really sorry he couldn't be the one for me, and that he hoped I would find the guy for me one day. We hugged, then I thanked him for his honesty. That's when he told me the reason why he couldn't be the one for me. He said he was in love with someone, and that he had been madly in love with this person ever since the day he met them. And that person was Justin, which didn't surprise me. I mean, the way he looked at my brother said it all.

I smiled as a brilliant idea hit me. I turned to Adam, excited to tell him what I had in mind.

"So, Adam," I began, "have you thought about telling justin about this? You know, about your feelings towards him?" Adam sighed and shook his head.

"No," he said, "not yet. I wish I could, but, I don't know. I just, I don't know how he would take it."

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Why don't you invite him over to yours tonight? Then, you can talk to him about it over a hot meal. What do you think?"

"I don't know, Justine. Do you think he'd like me back?"

"Well, you never know. he might. But either way, there's nothing to lose, right? So are you in?"

"I guess you're right. There's nothing to lose. If he says no, he says no."

"Great! Let's do this!"

Just like that, everything was set. When Justin was back home from his day out with Mom and Dad, Adam decided to invite him over to his place for dinner. However, just as he was about to do so, his eyes fell upon a girl, who was standing right beside Justin. She was pretty, and she had that Taylor Swift kind of look. She even sounded like Taylor when she talked.

"Hi!" She said, shaking Adam's hand: "Adam, right? I'm Cynthia, Justin's girlfriend. So nice to finally meet you!"

"Oh, um, yeah. Same to you, Cynthia. Yo, Justin. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Congrats, bro!" Justin laughed.

"Thank you," he said, giving Adam a bro hug, "Cynthia and I have been together for a few months now and everything's going great. I love this girl so much. Anyways, later, man! Cynthia, let's go, babe." Adam watched as both Justin and Cynthia left.

Adam's plan didn't work out after that. With Cynthia now in Justin's life, he chose to just support them and be happy for them. Justin was so in love with Cynthia, and for a while, it seemed as though nothing could get in the way of their relationship. Until something happened. Something that left Justin shattered for quite some time. He saw Cynthia while he was out one day, and she was holding hands with another guy. At first, Justin thought nothing of it. He gave Cynthia the benefit of the doubt, and carried on loving her, like nothing happened. Then, it all came crushing down.

Cynthia left Justin's room one night to go freshen up. She left her phone on his bedside table, planted a kiss on his lips, then she was off. A few minutes later, her phone started ringing. Justin ignored it and waited for her to come back. It stopped ringing after a while, so it was fine, until the person trying to call Cynthia left her a message on Messenger. At this point, Justin turned to his bedside table to glance over at Cynthia's phone. As soon as he saw the sender's profile picture, he recognized him right away. He was the guy Cynthia was holding hands with, and in the message he left her, he was calling her "babe". Cynthia was told to pack her things that night and we never saw her again.

As soon as she left, Justin was leaning over the kitchen sink, being violently sick as emotions overcame him. When Adam found out about what happened, he wasted no time. He was knocking on our front door ten minutes later.

"Adam!" I exclaimed as I let him in: "Thank goodness you're here! Justin really needs you right now. I can't believe Cynthia cheated on him."

"That stupid bitch!" Adam snapped: "Justin loved her. Did everything for her. And this is what she does to him in return? I hate her." Adam paused for a moment before saying: "Is Justin in his room?"

"He is," I replied, "he hasn't stopped crying, Adam."

"Oh my gosh! Well, thanks for keeping me posted, Justine. I'll go see Justin now."

"Okay. Please, Adam. Look after my brother."

Justin was not the same anymore after that night. With Cynthia now gone, he started losing the will to live. He fell into a deep depression, no longer enjoying the things he loved, like making YouTube videos. But no matter what, Adam never left his side. He held him. Looked after him. Prayed for his wounded heart to heal soon.

"Justin," Adam whispered as he held Justin in his arms, "it's okay, man. That's it. Just cry it all out. I'm right here, dude. It'll all be alright. I'll get you through this, okay? Just keep fighting, bro. I can't lose you now."

(Hi, guys! lankyboxfanforever here! I hope you enjoyed the first part of my first LankyBox Fanfiction story. I'm pretty new to Wattpad, so I was really nervous while writing this. Hope y'all can join me for the next part. I gotta question for you all, though. What do you guys think will happen next between Adam and Justin? Should Adam confess? Or should he let Justin's heart heal first? Looking forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!)

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