Chapter 15 - New Couple? (Adam And Justin's POVs)

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Justin's POV

I was confused to find myself in my room, lying in my bed, a blanket on top of me and Adam holding my hand. Weren't we at my parents' house a moment ago? Wait, Mom and Dad. They... they had a little talk with Adam. What did they say to him? Were they supportive of our relationship? Oh gosh!

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Adam's soft, warm lips on my right cheek. He kissed it lightly, then started playing with my hair, making me feel all weak inside. In a good way, though.

"Um, Adam?" I said, sleepily. He placed a hand on my shoulder, gently stroking it.

"I'm right here, cutie," he told me, soothingly, "you okay? We're at home now. You fell assleep in the car earlier. I wanted you to get as much rest as possible, so I didn't wake you up. How you feeling?"

"Tired," I murmured, about to fall asleep again. Adam kissed the top of my head.

"Justin Kroma Leon Xu, I love you so much. Try to get some more rest, okay?" I was so close to falling back asleep, but I had to ask Adam a question that had been bothering me. However, I was so tired that it came out as a three-word question.

"Mom and Dad?" Adam looked at me for a moment, then smiled as he began to understand what I meant.

"They're very happy and supportive of our relationship, Cupcake," he replied, kissing me on the cheek again, "but they did ask me to do them two favors. Those were to look after your heart forever and give you the love and care you deserve, which I will gladly do. I'll never get tired of loving you, Justin. I'll never get tired of taking care of you when you get sick. I'll never get tired of holding you in my arms. I'll never get tired of wiping your tears every time you cry. I'll never get tired of giving you all the love I have for you. You're my gem, Justin. I can't imagine life without you. Cliché, I know, but it's the truth. You deserve the world, sweetheart. Let me give it to you."

By the time Adam finished talking, I was in tears. I hadn't felt so loved like this in ages. I didn't think I ever would. My heart was singing with rejoice, my eyes crying out tears of happiness. I felt Adam picking me up and holding me in his arms. He always does this whenever I cry, whether it be happy tears, or sad tears. Not even a minute had passed before I fell asleep, feeling Adam kissing me yet again.

Adam's POV

A smile made its way to my lips as I looked at Justin, now asleep in my arms. How did I get so lucky? For the past eight years, this man had been with me; and for the past eight years, I had been praying and hoping I could win his heart. Now that I had it, I couldn't be happier. I couldn't ask for more. I had everything I wanted. Everything I needed. He was right here. Resting in my arms. There was nothing better than this.

Moments later, there was a light knock on Justin's bedroom door. I stayed seated on his bed, still holding him in my arms. Not wanting to wake him up.

"Come in," I quietly called out to the person who knocked. Justin's door slowly opened, revealing Tristan.

"He's still asleep?" he asked as softly as he could, noticing I was holding Justin in my arms just like earlier. I nodded.

"Yeah," I answered, "he did wake up a minute ago, but not for long." Tristan kept looking at Justin. Then, suddenly, his expression changed. He looked really worried.

"Adam, are you sure he's okay?" he asked, still talking quietly but with a hint of urency in his voice.

"He's okay, Tristan. I think he's just very tired." Tristan was still looking at the sleeping Justin, his expression becoming more and more stressed.

"You sure he's just tired, Adam? He looks..." Tristan paused for a second before carrying on: "He looks pale. Very pale." I took a closer look at Justin after hearing Tristan say this, and I felt like I was going to cry. It had only been a few days since Justin was released from the hospital after that fever he had. Was he sick? Again? I placed a hand on his forehead. Gosh! He was burning up! No! Please! Not again! Please, dear God!

With no hesitation, I looked up at Tristan.

"He's running another fever!" I urgently told him: "Go downstairs and get me a bucket filled with ice-cold water, dude. And some towels, too. Tell DJ to run to the medicine cabinet and to bring me some Paracetamol." Tristan was quick to follow my instructions, sprinting down the stairs and urgently calling out to DJ. While waiting, I stood up, gently lowering Justin down into his bed and putting a blanket over him. Less than a minute later, Tristan was running bck up the staircase, rushing into Justin's room with DJ quickly following behind him. Tristan placed a fully-filled bucket of ice-cold water on the floor near me, while DJ handed me a box of Paracetamol and a mug of warm milk.

"Milk is more hydrating than water, according to some studies," he explained, "this might help break his fever faster."

"Thanks, DJ," I said. I looked at the mug of milk, hesitation making its way inside my already worried mind. Justin has never been too keen on milk, but if I wanted him to get better as soon as possible, there was not much of a choice. I had to get him to drink this.

"We'll leave you and Justin to it, Adam," Tristan said, "call us if there's anything else we can do for you, okay? Hope Justin gets well soon."

"I hope so, too, boys," I said with a sigh, "anyway, you guys go and chill. I'll be up here, looking after Justin."

"Alright," Tristan nodded. Then, they both left, Tristan placing an arm around DJ, which I found kinda sweet. I smiled as I watched the boys make their way downstairs, talking and laughing quietly with each other.

I let Justin sleep for a few more minutes before I gently started shaking him in an attempt to wake him up. He slightly turned his face toward me, opening his eyes a little.

"HMMM!" he said, rather sleepily. I planted a kiss on his cheek, rubbing his head.

"You're running a fever, Cupcake," I told him, "I'll give you some medicine, then you can go back to sleep, okay? But I need you to have the meds with this warm mug of milk, because you'll get hydrated better and your fever will break faster. Can you do that for me, baby?" Without a word, Justin sat up and held out his hand to me for the milk. I handed it to him along with two Paracetamol tablets, which he quickly gulped down. He then handed me back the mug, which was still full of milk. He barely drank any. My heart dropped.

"I wanna just sleep, Adam," my poor lover weakly told me. I placed my hands on either side of his head and very gently lowered him down onto his pillow. I put his blanket back over him as he shivered a little.

"You're going to be okay, Cupcake," I whispered, "I'm gonna take very good care of you, just like I promised Mr and Mrs Xu. All you have to do for me is to rest. Just rest, my dear Justin. I got you."

I waited until Justin was asleep again. Then, I started doing what I could to break his fever. I reached for the towels and the bucket of cold water Tristan and DJ brought up for me, using them to cool Justin's body down, while leaving one of the towels out and placing it on his forehead after soaking it with water. I was in the middle of doing all this, when Tristan walked back in. DJ was with him, and they were holding hands. They also had three sleeping bags with them.

"What's up, boys?" I said, looking up at them.

"Well, since we're all here, Tristan and I gathered that all three of us should take turns looking after Justin," DJ stated. Tristan nodded in agreement, planting a kiss on DJ's cheek. This gesture made me smile.

"Is there something you boys aren't telling me and Justin?" I teased them. They laughed. Then, Tristan said something that made me smile even more. Before he said it, he looked at DJ, as if asking for his permision first. When DJ gave him a nod, he said it.

"I'm dating DJ, Adam. Well, not quite. I'm in the process of courting him, and it looks like I'm doing something right. We were gonna tell you and Justin earlier, but we didn't think now would be the right time since Justin's really sick. Let's focus on him first."

"For sure," I said, "but I wish you and DJ all the best."

"Thanks," they said in unison. Then, the three of us went back to looking after Justin, who was in a very deep sleep. We could tell it was going to be another long and stressful night, but it was not a problem for either of us. We would do anything for Justin to get better. We all hoped and prayed that we wouldn't have to rush him to the hospital again. Oh! My poor Justin!

(Wow! Another chapter completed! Hope you all enjoyed reading this one. Stick around for the next chapter. Also, what do y'all think of our soon-to-be new couple? I think they'd be kinda cute. haha! See y'all!)

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