Chapter 11 - Planning The Confession (Adam And Justin's POVs)

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Adam's POV

Almost two weeks had passed since Justin fell ill with a fever, and yet, he didn't seem to be getting any better. At some point, DJ and I even had to rush him to the hospital in the middle of the night. His fever was dangerously high, and he was throwing up a lot. Now, if you're part of the LankyFam, you would know how much Justin loves food; but throughout his time at the hospital, he couldn't even keep a spoonful of soup down. Yes. His sickness was that bad.

"Does he normally get this sick, Adam?" DJ quietly asked as we sat by Justin's hospital bed. He had fallen asleep after the Doctors gave him medication to stop him from throwing up.

"No," I answered, "I mean, he does get sick more often than others, but not this bad. Man! I can't help but blame Cynthia for all of this! Justin has only started getting this sick ever since the day she left him."

"But he doesn't love Cynthia anymore, though," DJ said, taking me completely by surprise.

"Wait, DJ, how can you be so sure? Justin was literally mumbling about her in his sleep a few days ago."

"How would you know that? Did you hear her name come out of his mouth?" I shook my head.

"Um, well, no. No, I didn't."

"Well, there you go, then!" DJ excitedly said.

"But wait, DJ. You didn't answer my question. How can you be so sure that Justin doesn't love Cynthia anymore?"

"I'm not just sure of it. I know he doesn't love Cynthia anymore. Remember when she came over to talk to Justin a couple days ago?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Well, she tried to sneak her way back into his life, and I may, or may not, have overheard him say to her that he'd moved on from her. And, to put the cherry on top of the cake, he told her he was in love with someone else."

"DJ, that doesn't tell me anything. Okay, maybe he no longer loves Cynthia and he loves someone else..."

"And that "someone eles" is you, Adam!" DJ practically shouted with so much excitement in his voice, obviously forgetting Justin was sleeping literally four steps away from us. I covered his mouth.

"Did you really have to yell that out?" I whispered.

"Oops!" DJ laughed: "Sorry. Just got carried away. So, now that you know how Justin actually feels, how about confessing to him once he's better?" A wide smile made its way to my lips. DJ had a really good idea.

"Sounds like a plan, DJ. But, how did you know about my love for Justin? I haven't told anyone else, except Justine. And how can you be sure Justin would like me back?"

"Adam, it's really obvious. The way you look at Justin says it all. And, he blushes a lot around you."


"Yes, sir!"

"Well, I better start planning my confession, then."

"Yes, bro! That's what I'm talking about! So, how about I help you set everything up?"

"Sure! Thanks, DJ!"

"All good! You helped me confess to him, and now, I wanna help you. Please, take care of his heart for me, Adam." DJ got teary-eyed as he said this.

"I will, DJ," I said, patting him on the bcak, "I promise."

Justin spent another two weeks in the hospital, then he was finally better! Not quite a hundred per cent, but he was better. That was all that mattered. We went back to making daily videos and DJ and I started planning my confession. My heart was filled to the top with joy! Finally! I would be able to let Justin know how much I loved him! I thought I'd never get the chance.

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