30. Just Fantastic

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When Aegon wakes up in the morning, the bed is cold, unusually cold, much to his displeasure. Without overthinking the decision, he stretches out his arm to pull his wife closer to return to the comfortable warmth but is greeted with an empty part of the bed that is even colder than the other.

It's as if he's gone back to his old days where he slept alone, ate alone, was alone, and that fact alone was enough to drag him into a despair.

She had fallen asleep when he went to bed the day before, and he had hesitated whether or not he should lie down next to her. But he had done that and now she wasn't there.

He sighed deeply and sat up from the bed. The weather outside was anything but pleasant, the leaves had fallen off the trees and the rain was beating down on the ground and the window.

He got up to get dressed as his mother had requested his presence at breakfast that morning, which he would have usually ignored if it weren't for his knowing that Alyssa would be there.

He needed to talk to her and explain to her that what he was saying wasn't true, that it was just frustration with his mother.

He was walking down the corridor where he met Sir Noah "Where is my wife?" he asked the knight.

Sir Noah kept his usual posture and the same serious look that Sir Criston always had. "The princess has taken her place in the dining room with the rest of the family, my prince."

He immediately felt relieved to know that she was in the dining room and not left again. The prince saw no need to keep speaking to the knight and left for the dining room.

As he predicted and got confirmed, she sat there next to Daeron and an empty seat. Aegon stood bahind the opening just to look at her for a moment. Her lavender purple eyes lit up every time she smiled and laughed at some joke, the only problem was that it was his brother she was laughing with.

"Aegon, you're awake early today," Alicent said with a stiff smile. Many who didn't know her might think she was smiling wholeheartedly, but aegon could recognize such a fake smile from a mile away. Especially if the woman smiling is Alicent's hightower.

He was a little annoyed with her for calling him like that. For now, that beautiful smile on his wife's face disappeared and she visibly stiffened into her seat and it felt like she had punched him in the face.

He glanced over at Alyssa who had lifted her head from her conversation with Daeron. And then he looked back at his mother. Instead of answering, he nodded and went to sit down next to his wife, his wife who did everything but looking at him.

Even though she tried to pretend he wasn't there, it was clear that her behavior was the exact opposite. Aegon reached for the jug of wine, filling his cup to the top. Why not make the best of the situation, he thought.

Aemond who was sitting next to Aegon leaned closer to his ear. "It seems that your wife has forgotten about you, brother."

Of course, his syclops of a brother would take great pleasure from this, what a shock.

"You're a fine one to talk." He retorded back which by the look of it made him annoyed.

"I don't expect you to know this, brother. You're never particularly interested in her life, but we've gotten over our problems."

While Aegon took a big sip of his wine, Aemond continued talking. "You remember when she said she was going to rest in your chamber after her returned? Well she was with me, Helaena and Daeron on dragon back."

Aegon decided to ignore his brother and filled his second cup, turning his head towards Alyssa who seemed to be doing everything not to look at him. "Did you sleep well?"

His sudden attempt to talk did not effect her and she carried on as she did before he spoke. Eating and drinking like usual "I did"

It was not a real conversation, but it was something. At least she was talking to him. "You were not there when I woke up."

The older prince looked at her, waiting for her to do the same.

The others at the table were talking about some uninteresting topic that Aegon didn't have time to listen to, instead he put all his attention on Alyssa. "Say something, please."

"I promised that I would meet my ladies, excuse me."

With that, she left the room. Aegon filled his cup again and lumbered it all at once before also standing up to go to a person who didn't give him a headache.


"Brother! I'm so glad you're visiting me"Helaena said. She held Rhaella and rocked her back and forth.

He went to sit down next to her. "Sister"

"Would you like to hold her?" she asked, stretching out her arms slightly for him to take the little girl. But he hesitated, he didn't trust himself enough to hold a Babe, he couldn't even hold a fucking marrige together.

"I'm going to drop her, I better not"

"You won't drop her, Aegon"

"Mayhaps some other time" he saw how his sisters face went down when he rejected her amd pulled her arms back, a little disappointed but it wasn't shown for long.

"How are you? You must be happy that Alyssa is back."

"I'm perfect, she hasn't said a word to me or even looked at me since she arrived."

"I'm sure she'd appreciate it if you spoke to her, explain some... previous outbreaks."

He scoffed, tis not like he didn't want to but how would he start? A good start would have been if she would look at him first.

The door opened and Daeron came in, walking up to Helaena and giving her a kiss on her forhead before seating himself on the chair opposite them.

"So nice, the whole family gathered" Daeron exclaimed, leaning back. "The only one missing is Aemond," Helaena added.

Aegon shook his head with furrowed brows. Daeron sighed deeply, "You have to get over this feud, we're siblings."

"He is not very brotherly"

"Nether are you."

"Am I supposed to be when it is obvious that he is in love with my wife?"

"Why does that matter when she is married to you? Do you think that she will run away with him?"

Daeron's voice carried a certain amount of amusement and he tried to understand his brother's reason for this rivalry that had torn Aemond and Aegon apart.

There was silence for a while, Aegon leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes to just get a moment to think about what to do next. Either he could spend the rest of his life in misery and loneliness as he did all those years before he got married or he could go to her.

He needed to talk to her, otherwise he would go mad. He stood up from the couch and cleared his throat. "Wish me luck then"

"Where are you going?"

"To my wife"

Already outside the door he began to hesitate, but his legs carried him to his and hers chambers whether he like it or not.


Thanks for reading❤️

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