Chapter 2

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    After laying in bed un able to sleep for about four hours I carefully got up, grabbing a button down from his closet along with my pants from earlier before slipping into the bathroom. Turning on the shower before stipping from my clothes and getting in letting the water wash over me. My mind in a hazy messy as I thought over everything that had happened. Silent tears run down my face as I washed up feeling agonizingly numb. Once I finished I turned the water off getting out, quickly drying off before getting dressed. Throwing my hair into a messy bun before quietly leaving the bathroom, seeing Hyuga still peacefully sleeping on the bed. Flashing a sad smile before grabbing my phone from the floor, then leaving the room. Walking into the kitchen making a glass of tea jumping as I heard a noise behind me. Turning around seeing Ryuta staring at me with puffy eyes, caused my heart to break. "Ryuta-chan, why are you awake?" I questioned quickly opening my arms to him.

    "I saw mom in my dream. She said she was sorry and that we needed to be good for you and Hyuga-san," He sniffled while hugging me. "Oh dear," I whispered hugging him tightly. "Do you want some tea or something to drink?" I quickly questioned. "Can I have hot chocolate?" He questioned while glancing up at me. "As long as Hyuga has some I'll make you some," I spoke ruffling his hair. Quietly he sat at the dinning table while I worked on our drinks. Sighing as tears came to my eyes again, quickly wiping them away before Ryuta saw them. "Auntie are you crying?" He questioned softly coming to my side. "Only a little dear, I miss Emi that's all," I whispered smiling sadly down at me. "I miss mom to, I want her to come back," He whispered as tears found his eyes. Bending down pulling him into a tight hug as he broke down into my shoulder. "We're in this together dear, I'll always be here for all of you and I'll protect all of you I promise," I spoke while wiping his tears away.

    "Promise you won't leave like mom, I don't wanna lose you too," He whispered looking into my eyes. "I promise I'll stay here and alive as long as I can," I spoke with a small smile. "You won't lose me as long as I can help it," I quickly added. "Okay," He spoke holding out his pinky. Quickly locking mine around his sealing the promise before nudging him towards the table. Giving a small smile as I placed his mug of hot chocolate in front of him, sliding into the chair next to him with my mug of tea. We sat in silence for a while before footsteps were heard behind us. Turning around seeing Haru and Akio standing there with glossy puffy eyes caused my heart to ache more. "Come sit you two," I spoke pointing to the chairs in front of us. Nodding they quickly took there seats as I got up going into the kitchen making two more hot chocolates. Placing them in front of them before sliding back into my chair, letting out a sigh while pulling out my phone, 03:30 it read.

   "What do you guys want to eat?" I questioned softly while eyeing them. "I'm not hungry," Haru huffed while folding his arms looking down at the table. "You didn't eat dinner, you need to eat something," I spoke while eyeing him. "I'm not hungry," He spoke before leaving the table. Sighing I looked at the other two who gave me a sad look, causing another sigh to leave me. "Can we have pancakes?" Ryuta questioned softly. "Yeah I'll makee some for us," I spoke flashing a smile. Quickly I got up and headed back into the kitchen taking out everything I'd need. Quickly I made the batter before washing up the berries and slicing them, placing them on a plate to the side. Quickly I started cooking up the pancakes while listening to the two boys having small conversation. "Auntie are we going to be switching schools?" Ryuta questioned. "Yeah, it's not safe to have you going to the same schools. I'll take you to the new schools on Monday," I spoke while plating up the food. "Here you boys go," I spoke placing the plates on the table, along with their own plates and cutlery.

   Silently sliding making them each another mug of hot chocolate placing them in front of them, while sliding into my seat. Silently watching them eat causing a small smile to come to my eyes. Turning around seeing Haru standing there staring at the food. Sighing I got up getting another plate and set of cutlery sitting it in his spot along with more hot chocolate, before sliding back into my seat. Smiling as he came and sat down slowly eating some of the food. "Why aren't you eating?" Haru questioned while looking at me. "I'll eat later," I spoke flashing a small smile. Getting a nod in return while they kept eating. After a while longer they finished eating going and sitting on the couch while I cleaned everything up. Once I was down I walked out seeing Haru and Akio asleep while Ryuta was sitting there staring at me. Smiling I walked over to him pulling him into my arms while placing a blanket over us, rubbing small circles on his back while he fell asleep.

     After a little while the sun was shinning through the windows and Hyuga came walking down the hall. Placing a finger to my lips so he wouldn't wake the boys. Carefully I placed Ryuta down on the couch as I got up, heading into the kitchen with Hyuga. "When did you get up?" He questioned while hugging me. "I was up at 02:00 with Ryuta, he had a dream about Emi and I just couldn't sleep. The other two came out here at 03:30, I made them hot chocolate and pancakes," I spoke while eyeing him. "We'll have a funeral for her tomorrow," He whispered placing a kiss to my temple. "Thank you," I spoke while turning to him. "Watch them for me please, I need to go get some things from my place," I spoke. "I'll send Kato with you, I don't want you being alone after this," He stated while pulling out his phone. Nodding I walked into the living room looking at the boys again while sighing.

    "He'll be here in a few moments," Hyuga whispered while hugging me from behind. "Okay," I whispered leaning into him. After a few moments of silence I heard a car pull up signalling me to Kato's arrival. Quickly I walked out the front door and hopped into the car looking over at Kato who gave me a small smile. Glancing back hearing another car pull in behind us, seeing Sakyo get out and head inside. "Sakyo is going to help Hyuga look after the kids and Ukyo is going to follow us to help with packing things," Kato explained as we pulled away. Humming a response while looking out the window with tears brimming my eyes. "We're here," Kato spoke snapping me from my trance. Nodding I climbed out of the car making my way up to my apartment going in seeing things tossed everywhere. My blood boiling as I realized what happened causing me to let a small groan leave me. Before I could turn around to storm away I was met with Detective Seigo standing there with a smug smirk.

   "I have to report to you that yesterday we found your sister deadon the edge of Nameless City, we determined that it's suicide. Your Nephews will now be in your costody from now on, as we don't know who their fathers are, and your sister had yo listed as the God Mother," He spoke before turning to leave. "It wasn't suicide and you know damn well that it wasn't," I seethed while clenching my fist. "Everything points to suicide I'm sorry. You can get her body later today," He spoke before leaving. letting out a low grumble before going to my room quickly packing up all my clothes adn things of importance. Kato packed up the things in the kitchen while Ukyo packed up my office. Once we were done we took everything down to the cars before leaving. After a short drive we were back at the house where Sakyo was waiting outside for us. Quickly we unloaded the car before I slipped out the door being unnoticed.

   Running down the street getting to my sisters apartment, going in and packing up all the clothes for the boys plus getting a few important things. Walking back to the house with revenge on my mind as I thought about what Seigo said and what Nikaido had done. Once back at the house I put the boys things in their room before taking my things to mine and Hyuga's room. After a couple hours everything was unpacked and situated how it needed to be before I collapsed onto the couch beside the boys. "Tomorrow is the funeral," I spoke catching their attention. "So soon?" Haru questioned. "It's the only time we can have it," I sighed while looking at him. "We aren't ready to say goodbye," Akio whispered. "Neither am I," I whispered while looking down at my feet. "But we'll get through it. We have the rest of this week to deal with it, and Monday you'll be starting at new schools," I spoke as tears came to my eyes again.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now