Chapter Thirteen

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   Standing there I flashed a look over to Ice who gave me a slight nod in return before getting up to leave with the others. Glancing over to Masaki who gave me a confused look before looking at Hiroto. Sighing I walked down from my spot and over to Kato. "Get Haru and Akio out of here now, and keep them safe," I whispered before walking over to Seki who sat close to where Tetsu was sitting and P. "Seki, Tetsu, P I need you three to go with Kato to protect Haru and Akio," I whispered while eyeing them. Getting a nod from all of them in return before I walked over to where Shimura and the other White Rascals sat. "Shimura go with Kato, Seki, Tetsu, and P to protect Haru and Akio please," I whispered while eyeing him. "I'll take Bito with for extra protection," He spoke standing up grabbing Bito as he did so. Nodding I made my way back to where all the leaders were sitting getting strange looks from all of them. I flashed them a look before watching as Kato and the others left with Haru and Akio.

    Once I knew they were gone I looked at everyone with determination and rage. "A storm is coming," I spoke while looking around. "What are you talking about?" Cobra rasped while eyeing me. "Tell them," Hyuga whispered placing a hand on my low back. "Tell us what?" Fujio questioned while eyeing me. "I-" I started getting cut off. "Are you finally coming clean?" A voice spoke. Looking at the entrance seeing Nikaido standing there. "Emi and I are the half sisters of Ryu who will become one of the nine dragons in Kuryu. We share the same father but we never grew up together, we only found out after we were all grown," I spoke while glaring at Nikaido. Earning a chuckle and a few claps from him as he came into the temple followed by more henchmen.

   "I'll kill you," I spat running towards him. Jumping up and kicking him back while the others engaged in their own fights. I kept throwing punches at Nikaido groaning everytime he managed to land a hit on me. "Is this how you plan to kill me?" He questioned while kicking my feet out from under me. A groan was knocked out of me as I hit the ground. "Suki!" I heard Hyuga yell. Glancing to the side seeing him running towards me before looking back up at Nikaido, feeling a knife stabbed into my gut. "I think it's I whose killing you," He chuckled pulling the knife out before stabbing me again. I groaned glancing around seeing everyone caught in their own fights while also trying to reach me. Feeling myself getting stabbed over and over until it finally stopped. Looking up seeing Masaki and Hyuga standing over me while Hiroto was handling Nikaido. "I'm sorry," I choked out. "Shh save you're strength," Hyuga spoke pulling my head into his lap. "I couldn't keep my promise to stay by your side, to stay alive," I choked as tears left my eyes. "You aren't going to die, there's help on the way," He whispered holding me close. A painful groan mixed with s scream escaped me as Masaki pressed a shirt on my wounds. "Save Takeru and the boys," I choked looking at Masaki. "We'll save them together," He spoke giving me a soft smile. Before long Hiroto was leaning over me while the others gathering around.

  "Emi?" I whispered looking up towards the sky. A smile making it's way to my face as tears kept leaving my eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't save Ryuta and stay long enough to protect them, but we'll be reunited soon. I've missed you Emi," I choked out started to feel my body grow heavy. "Stay with us Suki," Hiroto rasped squeezing my hand. "I'm sorry," I whispered as my eyes started closing. "Darling stay awake please, don't leave us," Hyuga cried while shaking me. "I'm sorry," I whispered as my eyes fully closed and everything faded away.

   Maybe this is for the best, I've been putting everyone in danger staying alive. I couldn't even save Emi or Ryuta, not to mention Takeru. Plus having to send Haru and Akio away so they could hopefully stay safe. I couldn't save anyone or keep my promise, so maybe this is for the best. Everyone will be better off without me. Hyuga my love I'm sorry I can't stay longer, please don't forget me and keep living your life without me. Haru and Akio I'm sorry I couldn't protect you or stay longer, I'm sorry I couldn't protect Ryuta or Emi. To all my friends, I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer take care of yourselves and live well, help take care of the boys for me please. Masaki and Hiroto I'm sorry you found out about the boys so late and the day you met them Ryuta died. Please take care of Haru and Akio, they need their uncles more than ever now. I'm sorry everyone but maybe it's better this way.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now